Chapter Four: New Introductions

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The group was looking around for Dart, Lucas was looking in the garbage because he pulled the wrong piece of paper.

Max was following Ava around because she thought if she did, she'd be somewhat involved in whatever's happening.

Ava was looking behind bookshelves, and under desks, while Max helped. Ava enjoyed Max's company, even if neither of them uttered a word.

"Have you found anything yet, Lucas? Over." Mike said. "You guys talk using walkie-talkies?" Max said, holding back a laugh.

"I mean, do you have anything better to use?" Ava replied with, confused on what's so funny about using them. "Honestly, i think we got off on the wrong foot." Max said, putting her hand out.

"I'm Max, Max Mayfield." Ava looked down at her hand, confused, and thinking it's unimportant. "Are you going to shake my hand?" Max said, eagerly.

"Sorry, but we have more important things to do right now." Ava replied with. does she seriously want to be doing this while we have some monster running around the place? Ava thought to herself.

"You know what?!" Max said, angrily, "You act like you want me to be your friend, but then you treat me like garbage!" She finishes. Ava looks at her shocked, "No i don't? We literally have bigger things to be worrying about, not trying to fix something that cannot be fixed." Ava says.

"What do you mean, fix something that can't be fixed?" Max says, in a sassy tone. "You cant redo introductions, you can't just shake someone's hand for the second time and expect everything else to just go away." Ava replied with, thinking about Max kissing her in the classroom.

"That's the point of redoing introductions!" Max says, forcefully, "I want to be your friend, but it's obvious you don't!" Max says.

"I have other things i need to worry about right now! Maybe some other time, okay?!" Ava replies with, stressfully. Max scoffs.

"Look i'm sorry, but there's things that i can't tell you about that stupid AV room thing." Ava says. "Why not?" Max replied with.

"Because there's things that you won't believe, and if you won't believe it, then why should i bother telling you?" Ava says. "Well, i just saw a god damn creature run out of the AV door, so maybe i'll believe you." Max replies.

"Maybe you will, but you probably won't." Ava says, going back to looking for Dart. "Come on, Ava! Please just tell me!" Max says.

Ava glares at her, finally getting annoyed by the girl. "You should probably just go home, you don't want to be apart of this, trust me." Ava says, deep down Ava wants to just tell her everything, but she doesn't want to risk Max getting hurt because of it, she can't let more people get hurt because of her.

"But i do want to be apart of it." Max says, grabbing Ava's arm gently, "Please." Ava looks into the Max's eyes, again, glistening.

"I wish i could." Ava says, starting to feel tears come up to her eyes. Ava doesn't like crying, she thinks it resembles weakness, so she immediately looked the opposite way from Max, hoping she doesn't notice the tears.

Max scoffs, and starts to walk away. Ava understands her anger, she'd be mad if people she wanted to be friends with were keeping secrets from her, too.

Ava doesn't stop Max from walking away, it was better she did. She continued looking through everything, but couldn't stop thinking about Max, she hoped that they were still friends after the argument, and Ava wished Max knew all she wanted was for her to be safe.

"Everything's clear, what about you, Ava?" Mike says. Ava grabs the walkie-talkie and says, "No, i couldn't find Dart anywhere." she says, sighing. She couldn't think about Max, not now. But for some reason she just couldn't get her out of her head.

Ava ran out of the door where Max once was, and tried to find her, because Ava wanted to be around Max, and fix everything.

God, why didn't i just shake her damn hand.. She probably thinks i care about some dumb creature more than her. Ava thought.

She saw the redhead, but decided not to go over to her, because she looked like she was arguing with a man. He had a mullet, it looked like he had dirty blonde hair from where she was standing, and he was smoking a cigarette.

Ava tried to listen in on their argument, but they were too far away. She noticed the man look at her, and she looked back. He spit on the ground, and it was obvious he was trying his best to disrespect Ava, she just flipped him off and walked away.

She grabbed the walkie-talkie and said "i'm gonna go home. Over." and she didn't receive a response, so she just sighed and got on her bike to head home, but noticed all the other kids were already on their bikes, waiting for her.

"You take forever Ava." Dustin said. "Why did you want to leave so soon?"

"Because Dart isn't anywhere to be seen." Lucas replied for Ava, "I think we should leave, too."


The group was riding their bikes home, but noticed a vehicle speeding behind them, a dark blue Camaro.

"H-Hey guys?" Lucas says, his voice breaking in fear. "What is it?" Ava says, turning to Lucas's direction, but then noticing the car and looks behind her.

She saw a familiar redhead in the passenger seat, trying to stop the man she saw arguing with her from hitting them.

"Everybody, go!" Dustin yelled, making everyone pedal faster than they ever have before.

"Just go to the side of the road, you idiots!" Mike shouted, moving to the side of the road.

Ava also, moved to the side of the road. Lucas was very close to being hit, but then Ava took his handle and pulled him to the grass, the Camaro barely missing him.

Ava looked at the passengers seat once again, and saw that the redhead was making eye contact with her, Ava just looked away and checked if everyone was alright after that.

"Wait.. Was that.." Lucas said.. "Madmax." Mike finished the sentence.

{1038 word count}

I forgot to make a halloween chapter 😭, i might make that the next chapter instead cause i don't want to miss out on it, so prepare for a halloween chapter next time!

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