Chapter Ten: Eleven

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The two girls walked to the group, and there was more people there than last time.

"Ava?" Nancy says, looking at the girl. "The hell happened to you?" Nancy finishes, walking towards Ava, looking at her side.

"Stuff." Ava responds, hugging Nancy. Ava and Nancy were very close, when Steve was dating Nancy, her and Ava talked a lot.

"She got tore up by a demogorgan." Steve says, looking at his sister worriedly. "Demodog." Dustin corrects. "What?" Steve asks, looking at the boy.

"Demogorgan and dog, demodog." Dustin says, informing Steve. "Whatever, these demodogs, they hurt her." Steve finishes, pointing at his sisters side.

"I'm fine. Where's Hopper?" Ava asks. "He left with my mom and Bob." Johnathan says, crossing his arms. "Where did they go?" Ava asks.

"We don't know." Nancy says, sighing. "They've been gone for a while, they could come back any second." Mike says.

Of course as soon as he said that, Hopper and Joyce ran into the house. Joyce's mascara ran down her cheeks, and Hopper had quite a bit of blood on him.

"There's a whole bunch of demogorgan thingies at the damn lab." Hopper says, breathing heavily. Joyce starts to sob. Oh, Bob didn't come back, Ava thought in her mind.

Bob was always so sweet to the young girl. When she stayed the night at their house to hang out with Will, he would always offer her hot chocolate and snacks. And if she was ever upset, he would grab a heated blanket and put on a movie for her and Will to watch, and he'd sometimes even give her nice and warm hugs if she was sad.

Ava started to tear up after realizing. Max saw and put her arms around the girl, making sure she didn't hurt her side. Ava just buried her head into Max's neck and tried not to cry.

Mike watched, he was slightly jealous as though Ava didn't do that to him, but he just considered it as friends.

"How's your side?" Mike walks up to the two, looking at Ava. "It feels better now, thanks." Ava says, smiling. Mike nods and smiles at the girl, and it was obvious he was slightly blushing.

Hopper ran back into the house. "Will is telling us things in morse code." Hopper informs everyone, grabbing paper and a morse code sheet.

H E R E .

"Here." Everyone says at the same time.

C L O S E .

"Close? Close what?" Mike says, staring at the paper.

C L O S E G A T E .

"Shit, close gate." Mike says, scoffing. Suddenly, a phone rings. Dustin mumbles swear words to himself and picks up the phone, only to hang it back up.

"We need to close the damn gate." Dustin says, turning back towards everyone. "Wow, you're a genius." Ava says sarcastically, looking at the boy.

Then there was a loud noise. "T-They're here. It's too late.." Will spoke up, holding the back of his neck. "Shit!" Dustin curses.

"Can you use this?" Hopper gestures a gun to Johnathan. "W-What?" Johnathan replies, staring at the gun, but not wanting to admit he can barely use one.

"I can." Nancy admits, holding her arms out for the gun. Hopper tosses the gun over to Nancy, who takes it, and cocks it.

Max held Ava's hand tighter as they all surrounded each other. "Where the hell are they?" Max says, looking around the room.

A demodog bursts into the room, only to fall onto the floor, dead. "I-Is it dead?" Mike speaks up, slowly walking towards it with Hopper in front.

"Yeah, it's dead." Hopper says, curious on how it died. Then the door starts to unlock itself, opening widely.

A person walks in, they had their hair slicked back, and some make up on.

Was it actually..?

"Eleven." Mike says, looking at the girl with lit up eyes. "Where have you been? I've called you for"- Before Mike could finish, Eleven interrupted him.

"355 days, i heard." She responds, smiling sadly. "Why didn't you answer my calls? Or at least tell me that you were okay?" The boy said, basically begging for an answer on why she was gone for so long.

"Because i wouldn't let her." Hopper says, interrupting the two. "The hell is this? Where you been?" Hopper says, looking at the girl.

"Where have you been?" El responds, scoffing, but goes and hugs the man. Ava's eyes light up at the sight of the girl, her entire outfit, and look has changed.

Ava's eyes turned from happiness to anger and confusion once she realized. "Wait.. You've been hiding her?!" Ava says, looking at Hopper.

Mike scoffs and looks Hopper in the eyes. "You've been hiding her this whole time!" Mike shouts, pushing Hopper. "Hey!" Hopper says, turning to the boy. "Let's talk. Alone." Hopper finishes, gesturing for Mike to go into the room.

El talks to everyone.

"Teeth." El says, looking at Dustin. "Huh?" He responds, "You have teeth." She finishes, looking at the boys teeth.

"Oh, you like these pearls?" Dustin says, purring. El just cringed and turned her heard to see Ava.

"Ava." El says, sighing happily and ran over to the girl for a big hug. Ava hugs her back and tries to hide the amount of pain El was causing her side.

El realized she was hurting her by the look on her face. "What happened to you?" El asked, looking down at the girls side in worry.

"Demogorgan." Ava responds, smiling. "Demodog!" Dustin corrects. "Whatever." Ava says, annoyed. "You need to be more careful, you're known for getting hurt a lot." El says, smiling brightly.

"I am, aren't i?" Ava says, smiling at the girl before pulling her into another hug. Ava could feel Max's eyes on her, and she could tell it was filled with jealousy.

The two girls finally break apart, and Max decides to introduce herself. "Hey, uh, Eleven.. My name is Max, i've heard a lot about you." Max says, smiling and reaching her hand out.

El just looks at the girls hand, and shoves her shoulder, walking away from the redhead. "Don't worry, she's like that with new people." Ava reassured the girl, gently grabbing her hand.

"I hope so." Max says, smiling at Ava. Ava somehow always knew how to make Max cheer up from any situation.

Ava rested her head on Max's shoulder and watched El talk to Lucas and Dustin. Ava was extremely relieved that El was safe and back with them, she missed her best friend.

{1100 word count}

Sorry, this chapters kinda short, but at least El is back finally. I'm not really writing as much but thanks to all who read! Love you guys lots!<33

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