Chapter Twenty-Nine: Take Me Instead

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"Are you sure about this?" Ava asks, not 100% sure on the idea of walking into a therapists home to get ideas. "You got a better idea?" Dustin cheekily asks, making Ava scoff.

"I'm just saying, like, this could just be a waste of our time." Ava mumbles, leaning back in Steve's car. "It'll be fine." Max reassures, gently grabbing Ava's hand, making Ava look up at the redhead.

"Yeah, i know. Just worried." Ava sighs, making Max smile. Max knew Ava still cared for her, i mean, the both cared for each other immensely.

"We're here." Steve says, pulling over near the house. Max let go of Ava's hand, but Ava quickly grabbed it once more. "If you see something bad in there just run out, okay?" Ava says, making Max giggle. "Come on, it's not like she's a murderer or anything." Max says, making Ava nod and let go of the redheads hand.

Max proceeded to walk out of the car and knock on Ms. Kelley's door, the two were talking, it was too far to hear from the car. Ava saw Max walk into her house, Ava didn't know why she was so worried, but she just had a slight bad feeling that day.

She didn't know what it was. But it definitely involved Max.

"Okay. She's in." Steve says, breaking the silence. "I'm missing collarbones, not eyes." Dustin says, making Ava laugh. "So, we gonna talk about it..?" Dustin says, making Steve turn to him. "Huh? Sorry, talk about what?" Steve asks, his overprotective part for Max being distracted for a second. (We stan Mommy Steve) "Your temporary insanity earlier today when you basically threw yourself at Nance?" Dustin says.

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Ava asks, grinning widely as she already knew the answer. "Okay, first off, that's not what happened." Steve scoffs, "Pretty sure that's what happened." Dustin retorts. "It was pretty public, there were a lot of witnesses." Dustin says, pointing to Ava. "Are you implying i still have a thing for Nance?" Steve asks awkwardly.

"We aren't implying, it's pretty damn obvious at this point." Ava says, looking at Dustin, who was already nodding. "Yeah, we're stating. And, as it relates to your steadfast refusal to date Robin, it's pretty much the only logical explanation." Dustin continues. "That's not the only one. And as for Nance, i was just trying to protect a friend." The older boy defends.

"Friend?" Ava scoffs, "Yes, a friend." Steve responds, turning to Ava then back at Dustin. "A friend, Henderson. Okay?" He clarifies, "Okay." Dustin responds with a cheeky smile. "I don't wanna find her with her eyes sucked out of her skull by this Vecna creep." Steve scoffs, making hand movements.

"You're bright head in the face right now." Dustin says through chuckles, making Ava giggle. "No, im not. I don't wanna talk about it." Steve defends, "I'll punch you so hard your teeth will fall back out." Steve says, making Ava hold back a laugh. "Woah, too far." Dustin responds. "Not cool. Sorry." Steve says sadly, looking at the boy.

"Not cool. It's okay." Dustin shrugs it off, Ava still really trying not to laugh in the backseat. Steve awkwardly nods, giving Dustin a fist bump. "Good one though." Ava mumbles with a wide smile, lightly punching Steve's shoulder.


A couple minutes later, Max walked out of the house. "Oh, here she comes, here she comes." Steve says, Max opening the back seat and sitting back down next to Ava. "What'd she say?" Dustin asks, "Nothing, just drive." Max responds, "Nothing?" Steve scoffs. "Steve, drive!" Max says, almost panicking for an odd reason. "Okay, okay." Steve says, hitting the gas.

While they were driving, Lucas started talking into Dustin's radio. "It's Lucas. Do you copy? Dustin." Lucas said through the staticky radio. "Lucas? Where the hell have you been?" Dustin asks on the radio, "Just listen. Are you guys looking for Eddie?"  He asks, obvious worry in his voice. "Yeah, and we found him, no thanks to you." Dustin responds coldly.

"You found him?" Lucas asks, "A boathouse on Coal Mill Road." Dustin responds, "Don't worry, he's safe." The boy says, "You guys know he killed Chrissy, right?" Lucas scoffs. "That's bullshit. Eddie tried to save Chrissy." Dustin retorts, "Then why do all the cops say he did it?" Lucas asks, Max scoffs and leans up, taking Dustin's radio. "Lucas, you're so behind it's ridiculous, okay?" The redhead says.

"Just meet us at school. We'll explain later." She says, "I.. I can't." Lucas says nervously, "I think some real bad shits about to go down." Lucas responds, "What are you talking about? What bad shit?" Ava asks, leaning on Max's shoulder. Lucas doesn't respond, but everyone heard a faint voice in the radio.


And Ava knew who's voice it belonged to.
The one and only Jason.

"Lucas? Lucas?" Max asks in the radio. "Didn't you guys hear that voice in the radio before he got off?" Ava asks, making everyone shake their head. "It was Jason's. Lucas is with Jason and probably the others." She says, "Shit, shit." Dustin scoffs, "He's probably going to tell them where Eddie's hiding, he'd do anything for popularity." Dustin says, "Lucas wouldn't do that.." Ava mumbles.


They all make it to the school, and open the office door with the keys from Ms. Kelley's house. They all walk in and look for clues, Max was sitting on the desk, looking at files, Ava sitting next to her almost instinctively.

Dustin was shining a light on the paperwork, and Steve was on "lookout". Max was reading Chrissy's file, as well as Ava. The paper read 'Headaches, difficulty sleeping, terrible nightmares, and past trauma.' making Max ask for Fred's file.

Steve gave the redhead Fred's file. 'Severe headaches, constant nightmares, and suffering from past trauma.' The files were alike. Almost too alike.

'Nosebleeds.' The file stated, making Ava turn to Max, an unsatisfied look on the redheads face. "Max.. Is everything okay?" Ava asks, not receiving a response.

"Max, what is it?" Dustin asks, "Max?!" Steve shouts. "Is she okay?!" Ava shouts, standing up from her seat. Ava and Steve shake Max's shoulder, the redhead not responding, her eyes were rolled into the back of her head.

"No. No way!" Ava shouts, "Not her!" The girl continues to say, tears welling up in her eyes. "Take me instead!" She pleads, shaking Max's shoulder.
Ava continued to scan the paper on the desk, seeing if it could help Max, as Dustin and Steve tried waking the redhead up.

'Nosebleeds, past trauma, trouble sleeping, insomnia, nightmares.'

Those were all too relatable to Ava.

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PLOST TWIST PLOT TWIST. I love it. You guys better understand what it means by those were all too relatable to Ava, because if i explain it'll just ruin the suspense. I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as i did writing it, i love you all SOO much!<33

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