A Trail Of Hay.

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GoodTimesWithScar was rummaging through the Redstone compartment of the G-train when he saw it. Bits and pieces of hay of all things, littering the ground. Further examinations showed that it was strewn all over Boatem, but the source seemed to be coming from the magical alleyway that a certain avian had been working on for a while now. What the actual fuck could Grian be planning?

Ever the curious one, Scar decided to follow the trail, scrounging around in the dimly lit alley for the place where the spread was thickest. The Magical Menagerie. He opened the door, startling a variety of chitters and calls from the many strange creatures that Grian had gathered during his travels, Scar himself even helping to collect some of them. As he entered the building, he carefully eyed the charged creeper that he and Grian had blessed with the name "BOO"

He closed the door behind him, going upstairs to explore the building, examining its residents as he went. Charged Creeper, Boat Phantom, Pesky Bird, Brown Mooshroom, Random Llama, Grian, Black Cat- Wait, Grian?

"G? What are you doing?" The Builder was seated on the floor next to the Llama. The remains of a hay bale were sitting in his hand, the Llama was happily munching on the rest. It looked like Grian had been... talking to it?

The avian's head snapped up so fast that Scar was scared of the possibility of him getting whiplash. "Scar?!" He cleared his thoughts and attempted to compose himself, standing and brushing gassy remains from his trousers. "Scar. Why are you here?" The words seemed demanding, but Scar was able to sense the undertone of confusion and worry.

Grian looked... weird. He seemed tired and high strung, and his wings were in terrible condition. Maybe Scar should offer to help him preen them later, get rid of all the clumps of dirt that ached when they were in between the feathers for too long. What? Why would Scar do that? He didn't even know how! Did he? Some things were so confusing these days. Sometimes he found himself shaking his clothes in the morning to get rid of the sand, only to remember that he hadn't so much as touched a block of sand in weeks. And then there was that massive gap in some people's memory, that no one seemed to talk about.

Scar hummed in consideration before shrugging. "I just followed the yellow brick road! Although..." He mused, "In this case, it's more like the yellow hay road!" The joke seemingly fell flat on its face. Grian just stared at him. "You know," Scar pressed. "Because you're covered in wheat, and so is Boatem!" He watched the emotions flash over Grian's face. Confusion, consideration, and realisation, before finally resting on amusement. Grian smiled, albeit a small one. Oh well, at least Scar got one at all.

The taller man looked to the llama, who had been cautiously watching them the whole time. It was leashed to a wooden fence and seemed like an odd addition, like the arrival was unplanned and didn't fit into the general vibe that the Menagerie had. "Pizza?" he read the nametag aloud, nodding. "That's a good name, it feels kinda similar to how I name my pets!" If Grian had immediately frozen stiff at that comment, Scar pretended not to notice. Huh. Weird.

He looked to the builder, grabbing the last of the hay out of his enclosed fist, and feeding it to Pizza, who received it happily. The sudden touch seemingly brought Grian back to reality, his face flushing with colour. Grian's mouth jerked, as if he didn't know what to say until he started talking. "Huh? I- uh- WOw, I didn't notice?" It was weird that something that should have been a statement was voiced as a question. Scar would undoubtedly ponder over that later, probably instead of sleeping. For now, though, he just hummed, running a hand through Pizza's fleece, noting the silkiness and absence of knots. Had Grian been brushing her? Why? She was just a llama, albeit one that plagued Scar with a feeling of... was that nostalgia? He shrugged off the emotion. Just a llama.

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