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Heyooooo, it's me, I'm the author, I'm the sleep deprived bitch who woke up, and chose pain. Now you all must suffer.

Quick talk before we get into timeline stuff. I have like 26 pages of planning so far, cuz the next instalment is gonna be a whole ass multi-chapter fic in itself, unlike the series so far which has been a bunch of inter-connected oneshots. I also STILL don't even know how some characters are gonna die, so-. I've got the first chapter almost written, but everything is gonna take ages so im prolly gonna have another one or two one shots while I work on the big boy in the background. Or I'll just post the chaps as soon as they're done. Idk. I'm also gonna build up friendships between characters, and utterly TARNISH them. The focus will be switching between characters, but only between chapters, and it'll never be first person. I know some people hate switching perspectives, but this story is gonna be so widespread and using such a large cast that I think it's gonna be the most effective way to tell the story. I'm not gonna do that thing some writers do though, where they give five different perspectives of the same event, I'm gonna have them all in different places, and not at the same time. Some people I don't watch or read about though, so I don't understand their thought process, or their motives, so they might not get a chapter from their perspective. I hope this is alright, sorry if you don't like that style of writing! I'm gonna be mean. I have ideas. It's gonna be big. I'm adding more characters, scenes, places, ideas, EVERYTHING. Any character with a stable mental state is gonna get smacked over the head with a baseball bat. Some characters who usually get destroyed though, I'm actually gonna give some fluff and happiness though. Just to fuck with the audience and keep yall on your toes. This fic is gonna be fucking epic, flipping the direction of where this series is going on its head. I'm not sorry.

I'm gonna rewrite double life. All of it. More duos, different teams, different deaths, different bases. All of it. Shit, now I feel like I'm hyping this up and its gonna be disappointing if it isn't as great as I hope it will be- yayyyyy- fuck- 


So basically this is just gonna be a quick timeline of what's happened in this series, that way I won't have to explain as much, cuz I'm lazy. This is basically a cheat guide. Lol. I'll make another at like part 12 or however much this shit ends up being- with a more up to date timeline, but this is basically what I have right now.

KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS IS ALL MY AU. I like this au, but it isn't totally identical to canon, and there will be changes. That's why I'm showing some of them here, so that y'all don't get confused hopefully.


Some lil quirks of my au that may or may not really come into play during the fics.


1. Basically some HDS (high defence servers) servers like Hermitcraft have high defence and shit, that doesn't allow them to be Seen by watchers. The Watchers can't help them update properly, the worlds eventually get old and start breaking, so inhabitants have to find a new world every few years/updates. That's why the moon got big.

3. I don't think YHS is canon, that would just be way to annoying to deal with all the plot points and complications and details and shit- so YHS isnt canon.

2. High defence servers (or HDS as I'm calling them) have really limited communication with other worlds, which is why Grian didn't get in contact with the other evolutionists. If ur a god at redstone, like Mumbo is then u can bypass it kinda, with special lil pocket dimensions like the build battle world. Nothing too epic though. I'm sorry if this doesn't make much sense, I'm tryna fill in plot holes and inconsistencies, but I think I keep creating more by tryna fix others-

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