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A sea of enemies. Bows pulled taught. A nervous shiver transmitted through an invisible string.

On a tower. Building a platform. Getting shot. Scar examining it. Forgetting what they had tried to achieve. Kissing it better. Realizing the mistake. Apologizing relentlessly. Grian waving him off, saying that it was fine.

Pretending to just then realize the connection between them. Playing it off as a spur of the moment confession.

Running away from the horde. Leading them over X and Docs little hobbit hole in the side of the mountain. Dragging him out of the group. Sprinting through Cleo's confused calls and Bdubbs panicked cries.


Sticking together.

Finding a jungle in the corner of the map. Strange mutations of what appears to be a large grey cat. Perhaps a breed of ocelot. Scar dubbing them Jellie Panda's.

The jungle immediately feeling like home. Them deciding to stay there. Building a small treehouse style shack before night came.

Feeling multitudes of eyes stop following him, after stalking them from the shadows for void knows how long.



Grian stretched, the blankets bundling at his feet. He rubbed the remnants of sleep from his eyes. Adjusted some stray feathers to sit comfortably. Looked at the empty spot beside him. Patted it. It was cold.

He got out of bed, slipping on his boots.

Grian poked his head around the door to look at GoodTimesWithScar, rummaging through their chests looking for something. He walked up to Scar, standing over his shoulder.

"What are you looking for?"

Scar's eyebrows furrowed as he picked up a cocoa bean and squinted at it before tossing it behind him. "I saw Pearl near our base earlier. She looked strange, but ran away before I could ask her about it. I'm just checking to make sure she hasn't messed with anything."

Grian hummed to himself. "Huh. Weird . Wonder what happened?" He walked out of the room, looking out among their section of jungle. There was a large patch of trees on a bit of a flat section over to the east. It probably wouldn't take that much effort to flatten it enough to lay down a simple farm.

He sighed, walking over to a chest, next to Scar who was currently smacking a sapling against a crafting table to see if it would do anything. Void, he was in love. Grian reached into the chest, pulling out some iron tools that they had.

"Mkay. You keep doing... that. I'm gonna get to work on mob proofing the area and working on the base a little more."

He headed out, letting the jungle door slam behind him. He grabbed a vine, gently letting himself slip to the jungle floor. He breathed in the air, looking at the little bugs flitting around at the rays of light peeking through the canopy.

He started hacking away at bushes, clearing enough space to make the makeshift wheat farm. He lay down the water and planted the seeds, going to rest in the crook of a tree for a while.

He didn't drift off to sleep, although he could've with the atmosphere. He listened to the chirruping of small animals, maybe chickens that had yet to be slain, a pig ruffling through dry leaves for food. Perhaps even a rather loud fish, like the one he and Mumbo had found that one time. Don't ask.

He listened to the birds chittering, and he called out to them in response once or twice. One parrot in particular flew over to him, landing on his knee as he stared at them. His head tilted, the parrot mirroring the motion. Looking at him with those beady unblinking eyes, the parrot moved their head down to their chest and started preening themself. Just like that. Grian was utterly speechless. He reached a shaky finger up to the bird, gently brushing the back of their head.

The Void's Song.- Desert Duo. (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now