The Eyes Vanished.

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ZombieCleo was fitting a wooden plank on the floor when Scott Smajor walked up to them. He tapped their shoulder, handing her a glass of water when she looked at him. She tipped the cup to her mouth, giving a small noise of thanks.

She expected him to get back to work building, or to take a break, but he didn't. He just stood there, looking at the world outside them as if he was in a dream.

"Hey... Cleo?"

She blinked. "How can I help you?"

"Do you get the feeling that we've gone through something like this before?"

She felt eyes on her. No one else was there but the two of them.

She was confused. "Not really? Can you describe it for me?"

Scott looked at his hand. "I'm not really sure how to explain it. It's not the world that's the same. It's not what's happened so far. It's more... the premise. The people. The feeling of knowing that your lifetime is limited. Your running on borrowed seconds, but you don't know when they will run out."

Cleo was stumped. "Oh. That sounds pretty rough."

Scott nodded absentmindedly. "Yea. I guess so."

Scott walked over to one of their chests, looking inside. "Hey, we're kinda low on logs, do you want me to go gather some?"

Cleo shrugged. "Sure. That might be useful."

Scott closed the chest, heading over to the doorway. "See you later, I guess."

Cleo started fitting another plank into the floor. "Yea, see you."

The feeling of being studied seemed to leave along with him.


Cleo was startled by a sharp rapping at the door.

"Just a minute!"

They stood up quickly, hitting their head against the chair they were working on.. "Ah- fuck-"

They had been bending over backwards trying to get this goddamn chair that they were building to look right. She still didn't like it.

She cursed as she rushed through the house, headed over to the door. They threw it open to see a strange sight.

Grian, looking very angry, had a small bird seated on his shoulder, with a concerningly similar expression. Scar looked very confused as to what was happening. Cleo could relate. Standing behind him, PearlescentMoon, with a dog standing behind her, had an expression mixed from what appeared to be guilt, embarrassment and fear.

Alright. What the actual fuck.

Cleo had half a mind to close the door again, right then and there. Alas, it seemed that they were always one to occasionally indulge in a rather interesting looking debacle.

She turned to Grian, he seemed to be the one most sure of their being here. Guess he was leading the little group. She raised their eyebrows, noticing some stray twigs in his hair.

"Can I help you?"

Grian looked like he might say something he would regret. Scar apparently noticed as well, and stepped forward, halting what could have been another early death. "So. Cleo! Lovely- uh- lovely base you've got goin' on here!"

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Hi, Scar. What are you lot doing here? Going around door-to-door looking to steal people's shoes?"

Grian seemed nauseous at the mere thought. He picked at the sleeve of his sweater, grinding his teeth together.

The Void's Song.- Desert Duo. (slow updates)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon