Talk about our feelings.

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Grian hated talking about his feelings. Emotions were something he struggled with, oftentimes he never knew what to feel, and ended up feeling something unfit for the situation, or nothing at all. It had seemed like feeling nothing, had been more and more common as of the past few weeks. Scar had come along and changed all of that though. He'd become an ever-glowing beacon of light in the darkness of Grian's world.

"I just don't see what the good is of having a Nether Portal that doesn't work!" Scar was kicking a stray chunk of broken cobblestone along the well-worn path that they walked back to their bases. Base? Grian wasn't quite sure anymore, they had been spending a lot of time together lately, and the two main bases that they had built on top of each other had more-or-less turned into one giant base. Which was sort of the intended function in the first place?

"Well, I don't really think that they intended for the portal to break, and it is rather hard to keep something Ghast-proof while also maintaining a half decent aesthetic..." Ignoring Grian, Scar kicked the rock again, taking his anger out on it instead of having to admit to agreeing with the avian beside him.

"Well it doesn't really have to be pretty, does it? Shouldn't functionality be the biggest part?" Scar looked frustrated, his foot hitting the poor rock again and again.

Grian stopped walking. "Well the ghast wouldn't even have had access to the portal had you hadn't tried to bring it through! If you never decided to drag me into helping you prank Etho, then the Ghast would still be wailing and flying around the nether skies!"

Scar kicked the rock so hard it broke in two. "Owwww! Mother fu- Grian, my foot hurts..." He grumbled and whined like a small child. Like Grian sometimes did when he died and had to spend an hour getting all his stuff back. Not that he would ever acknowledge it.

"Oh no." Grian rolled his eyes, his voice utterly dripping with sarcasm. "What a nightmare, whatever on earth shall we do?"

Scar walked in front of Grian, stopping him in his tracks. He gave Grian massive-ass puppy dog eyes, and Grian pretended with all his remaining willpower that it didn't melt his heart. "Can you kiss it better?"

Startled at that comment, every single one of Grian's feathers puffed out every-which-way without his consent. His face flushed a deep shade of burgundy, one that made him positive that he could blend in with his sweater with minimal effort. The avian attempted to try and smooth some of his feathers back down, but he wasn't having much luck. "I- uh- what?!"

Scar laughed at his reaction. Then he grew silent, glancing quickly behind Grian before walking forwards, completely disregarding his personal space. He drew his face close to Grian's, his voice quiet and calm, it had a very concerning effect on Grian's brain. "What? Does the thought of that make you... nervous? Perhaps?"

Scar's tone of voice lit a fire in Grian's gut as he found himself backed into a tree. Scar leaned his hand up and rested it next to Grian's head, effectively pinning him in. "Well- uh- objectively speaking-" Grian was grasping at straws but coming up blank, effectively at a loss for words.

Scar's smirk grew ever-bigger by the second. He knew what he was doing. Bastard. He fell back laughing though, making sure things stopped before going beyond the point of no return. "I'm just kidding G, oh my gosh... you shoulda seen your face! Your expression was priceless!

Grian found his voice again. "Scar! You can't just do that to a guy!" He pushed Scar away, the taller man shuffling back a few steps in order to allow Grian a moment to collect himself. What a fucking gentleman.

Scar wiped away a tear with his hand, eyes glistening with happiness. "I know. But it's so gosh diddly dang funny!"

Despite the frustrated demeanour that Grian was desperately fighting to uphold, he found himself grinning like a madman, so happy to see Scar teasing and laughing and enjoying himself like he was.

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