Mixed Feelings.

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Jimmy Solidarity was horrified by the idea of a death game.

Yes. It was an undeniably terrifying prospect. A limited lifespan, tied to another's. Jimmy was terrified. His soulmate would disown him. Or, worse yet, he would lose all their lives immediately.

But then he was walking around, the world still fresh before his eyes, and started taking damage.

And he almost collapsed onto the ground as he felt something piece his skin, and looked down to see a dark patch appear on his sleeve. And he was blinded by a bright light coming out of nowhere, for just a moment. A tiny moment.

And then he was back in the forest where they first spawned.

And he took a minute, from shock, probably.

And he could hear an apologetic voice calling out to someone. Calling out to him. He followed the voice, eventually finding Tango Tek, someone he knew only by word of mouth, standing in the clearing, fidgeting with his fingers.


The man spun around quickly, turning around to see Jimmy looking at him.

"Uhh, hi! You're Jimmy, right?"

He nodded, almost unintentionally holding his breath. This was it. This was where he would get abandoned, rejected and blamed for their all-too sudden death.

"Hi, uh, I'm Tango! Oh god you knew that already uh- I just wanted to, like, kinda, apologise? For like, immediately deathificating us? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I am just- not, usually this awkward... I just- I didn't wanna meet like this. And- and- and- and when I realised how dumb my death was, I kinda hoped I'd be partnered with Impulse or something-"

There it was.

"Mainly because like- I know he wouldn't really judge me or hold it against me- and I feel really bad, and I've heard some really cool things about you, and like... I don't want you to hate me. Not immediately at least. I didn't want this to be our first meeting."


Jimmy bet he was wearing an expression fit for a goldfish. He had expected his soulmate to turn tail and flee the moment they realised that they were stuck with him, but then he meets the guy, and he immediately apologises.

Tango's tail flicked about nervously as he fidgeted, electing to look at everything and nothing at the same time.

"Oh god- am I rambling again? I'm definitely rambling. Um can you- can you like.. say something? Just to shut me up? Cuz like- otherwise- I don't know if I'm ever gonna stop talking and just honestly, like, I feel so bad man, because like, you didn't deserve to be stuck with the guy whose ideas always backfire and now I've already killed whatever vibe we could've had going on and-"


His eyes snapped up to meet Jimmy's.

"Just... " Jimmy sighed. "What happened back there, just run me through it, will you?"


Jimmy Solidarity had mixed feelings about the prospect of the death game.

The first important thing that there had been to note was that yes. This was in fact, a death game. Jimmy had noticed that the green eyes that everyone had upon spawning into the world, had taken a more yellowish tint the moment someone died for the first time.

The second important thing to note, was that sometimes when working, Jimmy would feel eyes on him. A familiar gaze, not of comfort or adoration or anything of the sort. Empty of emotion. A gaze that sent chills down his spine, causing him to shift uncomfortably in his seat. And Grian had explained those eyes, that gaze, and the explanation only made it more terrifying and real.

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