The Void's Song.

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Of course PearlescentMoon remembered Evo. Evolution. The dieties playground.

How could she forget?

And so, she saw Grian draw that cursed shape and she froze.

She didn't remember anything like this happening before. Not like Grian or Scott apparently did.

But she remembered Them.

She remembered returning from fighting the Ender Dragon to find one of the Evolutionists taken. Grian. He who knew her so well that they could be considered siblings.

And she remembered her surprise when she accepted an invite to a world full of outcasts that had come together to form something greater than themselves, and he was just.... there.

And she remembered him being happy.

And she stared at him now, searching his expression for the happiness that she remembered. Of course, there wasn't anything.

Bird sat on Pearl's shoulder. Their presence was comforting. Grounding, in a way. She gently brushed her finger against their side, and they leaned into the touch. Bird buried their head into their bright yellow feathers, ruffling them up as they cleaned them. The two were almost in their own separate world.


Regardless, even if they had been in their own world, Jimmy and Tango standing in the doorway would've broken them out of it.

Tango seemed a little wary and confused, but Jimmy strode right into the room and sat down at one of the chairs. Of course he would. He was an Evolutionist. He knew the trauma. He knew the threat.

Tango looked at Cleo, concerned. He waited for her to acknowledge his presence beore he lowered himself next to Jimmy. It made sense that he waited for Cleo, Tango was one of the more mannerful hermits, and she did own the damn building.

Jimmy put his hands on his knees. "Listen, we just came here to see if Scott and Cleo were here to do some trading with us. We didnt mean to stumble into this conversation. But... I feel like I have to be at least willing to help. I know what They can do. I've seen it happen."

Tango spoke aswell. "I know that I really just butted in on this conversation. I have basically know idea what's going on. But if something is threatening my friends, I want to do everything in my power to stop it."

Jimmy sighed. "If you dont feel comfortable with our assistance, we're perfectly happy to just leave this place and pretend that we havnt seen or heard anything. But, I failed all the evolutionists in the past, Grian, you especially! Martyn and I, it was our job to pretect you guys from any threats. And we failed. So please, let me redeem myself for my past mistakes.

Everone was silent. By having Jimmy and Tango join, that would just put more targets on their backs. Make it harder to evade the Eyes.

But on the other hand...

"I say we let them join."

Everyone looked at Scar.

He looked to the roof, leaning back in his chair.

"I mean, I know that this isn't really like a team, or like a rally, or like a spy mission or a let's all work together to defeat the enemy with the power of friendship type thing, but... I'm not really sure, but it seems like it's headed that way, and Jimmy and Tango have really great skills and stuff, and can make redstone mechanisms, which would be pretty useful. Also, they have a bunch of different kinds of animals, and horses and food would be really nice to have, especially later down the line. And allies are always nice. Not to mention that Jimmy probably has loads of information about these things that we're facing.

The Void's Song.- Desert Duo. (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now