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It was about 3pm now and the wind brushed the trees. It was a comfortable feeling. The group stood a bit away and talked about different plans, ideas, how to get to vecna.

They continued without noticing the girl move uncomfortably. Y/n woke up and gripped her head. She was in so much pain, like someone was hitting her with a hammer.

"Had a nice nap Y/n?" Eddie chuckled when he felt the girl get up. Though, he stopped when he saw her pained expression.

Blood started to run down Y/n's nose like a river. Eddie began shouting for everyone's attention while covering Y/n's ears as to not make the pain worse. Everyone rushed over and gasped at the sight.

Y/n tried standing up but only fell to her knees. Nothing like this has ever happened before.

Eddie panicked, "Is it vecna?!"

"M-maybe she got a severe cold after the lake incident instead?" Robin spit out while dropping to help Eddie.

Nancy nodded a little trying to think rationally, "It is possible. These symptoms don't seem like what's happened to the victims so far, this is less... subtle."

Eddie was frantically holding Y/n in his arms and wiping the blood from her nose, while Robin held her hand and felt for a fever. She thanked them and just sat in Eddie's arms for a while.

Dustin was worried but Nance and Robin were right...this can't be vecna. Not even Max has gotten this bad, and she literally almost died from vecna.

"It hurts so bad, and it won't go away." Y/n whined.

Eddie brushed his hand against her face, "It'll be ok Y/n, Wheeler and Buckley said it may just be a cold!"

Eddie didn't believe it but he was forcing himself to. He didn't want to lose her. Chrissy's death was horrible but to lose someone like her? He couldn't even imagine it without being sick.

After a few minutes Y/n sighed and started to get up. She wiped her nose and fixed herself. She looked at Eddie and reached a hand out to him.

"I'm alright now. If I could survive the upside down alone for years, then I can survive a headache and nosebleed. " She smiled at him.

He gave a worried smile back, "If you say so Y/L/N."

Eddie took her hand and got up. The group started to walk to Lovers Lake. Eddie and Y/n were still hand in hand, but it didn't bother them. They swore to themselves to protect each other, no matter what at this point.

From a matter of days, Y/n grew more connected to the towns freak. And that same freak grew more attached to the towns missing girl. They'd become inseparable, and neither minded that at all.

"Hey Eddie?" Y/n asked while looking straight ahead.

Eddie glanced at her, "Yeah?"

"If something were to happen to me, you promise you won't help if it meant you getting hurt?" She asked.

Eddie already knew his answer, "I'd risk my life if it meant saving you Y/n. When it comes to you, I won't ever run away."

Her head turned to look at the boy who was now facing straight ahead. Her hand tightly gripped his.

"Ok, then if it comes down to you being the one in trouble...I won't run away either." She smiled.

"No, Y/n, I can't have you get hurt for me." Eddie squeezed her hand.

She kept her smile, "Then we'll have to protect each other equally from now on Munson. Don't expect to be a hero by yourself...understand?"

She stopped to look in his eyes. He stood there and took in every beautiful detail of her face. The scar, the bits of dirt on her, her smile that was full of love. Everything about her was perfect and real.

"We will protect eachother or die together then Y/n..." He said without thinking straight.

She kissed his cheek to bring him out of his trance. They then continued on and caught up with the rest.

By the time they reached Lover's Lake it was dark. Y/n grabbed the boat with Steve and moved it to the lake.

"I'd say four could fit." Nancy spoke.

Y/n crossed her arms, "Well I'm going and anyone who objects can kiss my ass."

Eddie raised his hand, "I object!"

Dustin, Max, and Lucas turned to him. While Steve had this disgusted look on his face.

"Ew, Eddie, that's disgusting. " Dustin spat.

Y/n chuckled and pulled Eddie in with her. She was going to keep that promise they made earlier no matter what.

Next, Nancy and Robin got inside. Right as Steve pushed out the boat he jumped in.

"I thought you said only four!" Dustin shouted to him.

Steve just shrugged and turned to row the boat out. When they reached some feet ahead they stopped. Steve got up and started taking off his shirt.

"What the hell are you doing ya hooker?" Y/n asked.

Steve gave her a look, "I'm gonna go search for the damn gate."

Eddie looked at Nancy and saw how she looked at Steve. A little panicked, he looked at Y/n only to see her gagging dramatically.  He smiled at her reaction and decided to wrap up a flashlight and hand it to Steve.

"Thanks man." Steve said before jumping in the water.

It was about a minute until Steve came back up. He held onto the boat.

"I found it!" Was all he said until something grabbed his leg and dragged him down.

Nancy waisted no time and jumped in. Robin jumped in after Nancy, and Y/n sat on the edge of the boat.

"Hey! Wait! Why are you going in?" Eddie looked her in the eyes.

Y/n smirked and poked Eddie's forehead, "That doofus is like my best friend."

With that...she fell backwards. Leaving Eddie alone and cursing like a sailor.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit. This is so stupid, this is so stupid!"

A scream was let out and Eddie was now swimming towards the gate after the girl he swore to protect.


End of chapter thirteen

I hope you enjoy!! I don't know if I like this chapter so let me know if I should redo it! Luv yall <3

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