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"Alright guys, the Amp is set up."

There they stood. Ontop of Eddie's trailer, ready to fight for their lives.

"Nance, come in. Wheeler?" Y/n checked for Nancy as their set up was ready.

Nancy tuned in, "Yeah we're ready over here. Be careful you guys..."

Y/n smiled and nodded knowing Nancy couldn't hear her. She turned back to Dusty and Eddie, she raised up a thumb and smiled.

Eddie ripped off his guitar pick and kissed it. He put it to Y/n's face and she kissed it as well.

"Chrissy, this is for you..." The trailer shook as Eddie strum the guitar.

He started shredding a song Y/n never heard before. It was totally metal. Y/n pushed back the headache she started having from the loudness of the music, and danced to the song.

Nancy's team heard the screeching of the demobats, waiting for them to start flying. As soon as the bats passed them, they moved to Vecnas hideout.

"WE GOTTA HEAD IN T-30" Dustin shouted to Eddie and Y/n. They both nodded and Eddie continued.

Y/n could hear the demobats getting closer, she started feeling the nerves kick in. Even after living in this place for so long...it never gets easier.

"T-20!" Dustin warned once again, now watching the bats come in closer.

Eddie played the guitar like it would be his last time ever. He played perfectly and really felt the music. Y/n admired his features, taking in every detail. She wanted to keep this image forever, Eddie playing like this...it was beautiful to her.

"T-10" Dustin shouted for the last time before getting up to be ready. Y/n got ready to grab Eddie's arm and pull him in.

Eddie finished and practically pushed Y/n and Dustin inside first.

"Holy shit that was awesome!!" She shouted while jumping up and down.

Eddie pulled her into a hug. He was shaking and sweating a little but was just happy it worked. Dustin got in on the hug and they happily excepted.

This was all interrupted by a banging on the top of the trailer. They could see the dents start to pop up from the demobats ramming their heads in.

Suddenly the vent door bust open and Eddie stabs them with the spear. Y/n grabs the trash shield and stabs it through so they can't get it.

"Smart thinking Y/n..." Dustin huffed out.

Eddie kissed the top of her head and draped an arm over her shoulder. They all stood for a moment, a single moment in complete peace.

Dustin interrupted, "Do you have anymore vents?"

Eddie thought for a moment before his eyes widened, "Shi-"

Y/n ran and shut Eddie's door, she could hear the bats trying so hard to get to them.

"COME ON LETS GO!" Dustin hurriedly shouted at the two.

Both Eddie and Y/n hurried to the rope. Dustin went up first and then Y/n went after. Eddie started climbing up before he stopped.

"Get your fucking ass up here Munson..." Y/n said in all seriousness.

Dustin chimed in, "Yeah what the hell are you doing man?"

Eddie suddenly climbed back down. He looked up, and just before Y/n could climb back for him, he cut the rope.

Y/n screamed with anger, confusion, and sadness. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING EDDIE?"

Eddie looked back into the eyes that he fell in love with...those same eyes of the person who he was now breaking. He smiled at her brightly.

"I'm buying time." And then he ran back outside, into danger.

Y/n stood there, completely shocked as Dustin was pacing and crying. Dustin screaming Eddie's name snapped her out of it.

"Oh fuck that shit, Dustin grab me a chair. I'm going to go kill the bastard myself." Y/n said as angry tears streamed down her face.

She jumped from the chair into the upside down again. Without the comfort of the mattress, she landed on her back and knocked the wind out of her lungs.

She laid there for about 30 seconds before pushing herself back up. Without thinking, she ran outside to see Eddie standing in front of a swarm of demobats.

Before he could scream to get their attention on him, Y/n ran for her life to get to him. She reached him before he could do anything stupid.

"Yknow, if you didn't want to ho on a date...you could have just said that!" She seethed angrily.

Eddie went wide eyed as he saw her there, "Y/n go back! You need to be safe!"

She looked back at him as she continued to drag him back to the trailer, tears fell from her eyes and Eddie's heart broke.

"There's no shame in running right? Take your own fucking advice Munson." She spat.

Eddie stopped fighting back and started to willingly go back. How could he be so stupid? How could he leave someone he loved alone? What if him sacrificing himself would just put her in more danger?

"I'm sorry..." He whispered to her and put his head down. He sped walked a little in front of her now. He didn't want to catch a glance at her heart broken face again.

"Yeah...it's gonna take a lot more than a sorry to fix this shit." Her voice cracked, Y/n was more sad than angry now.

Eddie just nodded and continued forward. He kept notice of the bat noises, just in case he needed to grab Y/n and run. Though, they seemed occupied with something else. What Eddie failed to realize was the empty footsteps behind him.

He was so focused on everything but Y/n, due to the shame...So, he didn't realize his love standing still behind him as he walked away.

Blood slowly dripped down her nose, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

Standing in front of her was Vecna, though she wasn't scared. She simply smiled at him...she knew this was bound to happen.

Vecna spoke in a calmingly malicious voice, "I'm taking you down with me Y/n."

The girl smiled with her chin up high. Memories flashed before her and a tear slid down. She nodded to Vecna.

"If that's what it takes to put an end to all of this...So be it."


End of chapter eighteen

Is this the end or is the end just the beginning?

Please leave comments about what you think of the story, I love you all!!

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