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Eddie continued to hold her in his arms. She ended up relaxing and just looking at his face as he walked with everyone.

He was a beautiful man. Y/n couldn't understand why they would call him a freak. His eyes were dark brown but Y/n noticed this morning that when the sun shone they were a deep honey color. There was a little bit of messed up liner under his eyes. His eyebrows were barley clean and kept almost like he wanted to keep the rockstar look. His hair was dirty now but it still looked so pretty. In Y/n's eyes, Eddie Munson was perfect.

"You ok?" Eddie asked looking down at her.

She smiled and rested her head on him, "Yeah...I'm more than ok."

He chuckled, "Do you want me to put you down now?"

Y/n shrugged and he slowly put her on her feet. She dusted herself off and hugged Eddie. He was surprised but eventually hugged back.

"What's all this for?" He asked confused.

"I just really like you, that's all."

There was that smile again, "Never change Y/n, you're perfect."

"Hey you stole my line." She replied with a smile.

By then they reached the Wheelers house. Nancy had guns with her ever since the last incident. Y/n was a little surprised since the only Nancy Wheeler she knew was Ms.Perfect, the girl Y/n always looked up to.

Y/n was an average girl back in school, average grades, family, and even looks. That is until she got stuck in the upside down. Who knew trauma and running away from monsters could make you really hot?

As Nancy, Steve, and Robin went upstairs for the weapons, Y/n and Eddie stayed as the lookouts. It would have been Steve and Y/n but lord have mercy Steve couldn't be away from Nance for two seconds.

"So what exactly are we watching out for?" Eddie looked around nervously.

Y/n pointed her flashlight down, "Monsters and shit. If you see a human like one then run, if you see a dog like one then go somewhere higher, and if you see anything else just tell me unless you can fight on your own."

Eddie nodded and started touching things. Slime and webs got on his hands. His face held a disgusted look as he wiped it on his pants.

"Ew Eddie! Don't touch the weird goop!" Y/n laughed at his disgust.

He stuck his tongue out at her while stepping closer. He grabbed her hand and spun her. Y/n almost tripped but Eddie caught her in a dip. She giggled and shook her head as they slow danced.

"Why do you always want to dance at the worst times?" She asked while smiling.

He shrugged, "Well, it makes the situation happier don't you think?"

She shook her head again and then rested it on his shoulder. He spoke up while closing his eyes.

"When we get out of here I'll finally be able to put on song for us to dance to."

Y/n smiled, "Let's do it after we defeat Vecna. Yknow, when you promised me that date?"

Eddie smiled at the memory, "Yeah...of course."

He kissed the top of Y/n's head. She closed her eyes and continued to slow dance. How did she end up so lucky?

Eddie on the other hand was thinking the same thing. How could a freak like himself be able to be so close with this mystery girl?

No music, and no proper light shown in that room. Nothing was perfect about the situation they were in except for each other. They didn't need music, fancy lighting, or even a good situation to have a moment like this. Their souls were connected, their lives were always meant to cross paths, and their smiles were always meant to be shared with one another. They were perfect together.

Eddie held Y/n's hand tightly, he never wanted to let it go. The warmth he felt from her hand could make any man fall. He could feel his heart beat faster every time she was close. He didn't have words for the love he felt for this girl. He didn't even know he was falling in love in the first place.

Love makes you do crazy things too, that's what's so dangerous about it. From that point on Eddie swore to dedicate his life to Y/n. If she were in danger then he'd be right there in front of her. If it were a choice to sacrifice Y/n or himself...he'd choose himself every single time.

Right in front of Eddie, swaying calmly with him, was Y/n who thought the same thing. If anything or anyone put their hands on Eddie she would protect him in any way. If anything happened to him she'd snap. Everything he's done for her made her heart pound against her chest. The love in her heart burst for Eddie Munson.

Their dance came to a slow stop as they looked into each other's eyes. Their faces inching closer without realizing it. Their lips were now centimeters apart.

Y/n closed her eyes and Eddie closed his. Their breath could be felt on eithers lips.

"Hey we are actually in the past right now so we-" Steve rushed down the stairs. He stopped when he saw the two looking at him funny.

Y/n held murderous intent in her eyes. She was definitely going to kill him.

Robin came down and patted Steve's shoulder, "You messed up man."

"What? What'd I do?!" Steve asked.

Y/n just shook her head and kissed Eddie's cheek. He smiled lovingly at her and kissed the top of her head. He held her hand and continued on with the rest of the group.

Man was Y/n glad that after all this time, she's finally back with everyone.


End of chapter fifteen

I hope you guys like this chapter! The next one will have a bit of a time skip or some show details different so it makes sense with Y/n. Thanks for reading!! Luv ya <333

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