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~Orion Montgomery~

Orion Montgomery walked next to Spencer as they left her apartment building. She didn't expect him to hold her hand, and he seemed too shy to even if he didn't have an aversion to germs. She was determined to not make it awkward.

"How did your case go?" Spencer seemed to jump slightly, as though not expecting her to say anything.

"Oh, um, it went alright. We managed to save the last victim before the unsub had a chance to kill her. So that was a better ending than what can normally be expected." He rubbed a hand across the back of his neck as they came up to a pale yellow Volvo and Spencer opened the passenger door for her.

"I'm glad. Admittedly, I was a tad bit worried when you mentioned having a slow start." Orion smiled as she took a seat. Spencer closed the door and hurried around to the drivers side and got in.

"You were worried we wouldn't solve the case?" His brow furrowed slightly as he started the engine.

"No, it wasn't that. It was more that I was worried if the case moving slowly would cause you to blame yourselves. Even though the fault is entirely on the, what did you call him? Unsub?" She elaborated.

"Unsub, yeah, unidentified subject. And... thank you for worrying about the team's well-being." He smiled softly at her as he pulled onto the road and started driving.

"They're all well?" Orion asked.

"Yeah, they're all well. Kept pestering me during the case about my phone call with a mysterious woman." Spencer's cheeks flushed with color as a soft chuckle came from her.

"Would I happen to be the mysterious woman they were so interested in?" Her lips were tugging up at the corners as she tried to restrain her smile.

"Yes, Garcia even threatened to hack my phone when I didn't give them any details about you." He nodded almost bashfully. "I only told them you were a woman I met in an antique book store."

"So they've been bothering you all week?" Orion's eyebrows rose as Spencer nodded. "Why would they be so curious about me?"

"They're profilers, they dig up information on people for a living. Which means most of them can be very nosy with other people's lives." He shrugged. Though, Orion got the feeling that wasn't the whole reason they were so interested.

"How is your sword for the Blade Competition coming along?" Spencer changed the topic after a few beats of silence were Orion was trying to figure out where he was taking them for the date.

"Still in the design process. Mostly just brainstorming general ideas while going through the books I got at that store." Orion hummed, glancing over at him. Taking in Spencer's profile while his eyes remained focused on the road in front of them. Hands gripping the steering wheel firmly, but not tensely.

"You were going to use cathedral structural and stained glass window designs for it, right?" Orion smiled at how he'd remembered what she'd said when they met.

"For the basis, yes. But the actual imagery within the windows is going to be based on a theme. I just haven't chosen one for sure yet." She explained.

"How long does the whole sword making process usually take?" Spencer asked curiously.

"It really depends on how complicated the design is. If it's simple it might take around three or four weeks, while a complex design might take up to two months, sometimes a bit more." Orion's hands fluttered about in front of her as she spoke. Those who know her well would make the connection that she only did that if she was comfortable with whomever she was speaking to.

Queen of Swords {Spencer Reid Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now