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~Spencer Reid~

Admittedly, Spencer Reid was sweating bullets. Nervous beyond anything he'd felt before. These weren't the butterflies that filled him when he kissed or held Orion close. No, this was the queasiness that made him feel like he was seconds from throwing up. Spencer was probably white as a sheet.

"Spencer, it's going to be fine." Orion tried to reassure him from where she sat in the driver's seat of their rental car.

"You said they're not going to like me. Aren't I supposed to have the parents of my girlfriend liking me?" He swallowed hard, eyes scanning the countryside rolling past the window.

"They're not going to like any guy I'm in a relationship with that wasn't their choosing." Orion reminded him of what she'd said before.

After the street racer case, Spencer had immediately gone to Hotch to get two weeks of vacation booked during the time that Orion's parents had wanted her to come to Victoria for. Once it had been approved, Orion had tried to prepare him for what her parents would be like.

"Just don't let anything they say affect you, I doubt they're going to be nice." Orion sighed.

"That's not helping me feel better." Spencer groaned.

"You get to meet Leo, he lives on the estate still as he's the heir. I'm sure he's excited to meet you, and he won't be mean to you." She offered with an encouraging smile.

"I get to meet the Drama Queen?" He smirked.

"Oh yes." Orion chuckled.

"Are we going to be staying on the estate too?" Spencer then frowned. He'd been so worried about just meeting her parents that he'd forgotten that they would need somewhere to stay for two weeks.

"Absolutely not." Orion scoffed. "We're staying with Nathaniel and Thea, otherwise I might be tempted to strangle my own parents."

"That's a bit concerning." Spencer frowned.

"Probably." She acknowledged with a nod. "But there's a reason why I barely stayed home for a year after coming back from Japan. It's better that I live far away from them."

"Well, I for one am glad you did. Never would have met you if you'd stayed here in Canada." Spencer smiled happily.

Orion reached over and captured his hand in her free one, weaving their fingers together. "I'm glad too."

"How did you decide on DC? I don't think I've ever asked you that." Spencer hummed, rubbing circles on the back of her hand absentmindedly.

"Anna got a job offer there for a well known jewelers, and I was desperate to go anywhere my parents were not. Besides, she was my best and only friend at the time." Orion explained.

"I have yet to meet the rest of your friends, I'll remember to thank Anna for bringing you to DC." Spencer said, seeing a large pair of iron wrought gates approaching in the tall polished brick walls that were now running along the road.

"I'll arrange a get together when we get back." Orion smiled, but her happy expression dimmed when she pulled up in front of the gates.

They waited a second while Orion leaned out her open window so the small camera could see her face before a buzzing sound came and the gates began to open. The gravel transitioned into a cobblestone driveway with immaculately trimmed shrubs and polished white marble statues lining the sides.

The Montgomery Estate Manor came into view and Spencer felt his jaw fall slack. It was four stories with three wings off the main building, standing in its Victorian glory. He could hardly believe that this was where his girlfriend grew up. Spencer knew her family was rich, she'd had no qualms with admitting that, but this was a lot more wealth than Spencer had expected.

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