chapter 3

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Chapter 3...

    The next morning I was woken up by knocking on my bedroom door so I rolled out of bed and opened the door angrily.
“Can I help you?” I growled as I saw my father standing there. He looked down at the ground, I could tell he felt guilty but at the moment I didn’t care.
“You have been summoned to the Alpha’s chambers.”
“I’ll go get dressed for my funeral.” I muttered and slammed my door. In front of my dad I might have seemed calm but inside I was panicking, what the Alpha wanted with me, would I really be walking into my execution. I threw on black skinny jeans, leather knee high boots a purple shirt and black blazer. I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs and my dad was waiting for me. He didn’t say anything as we walked outside and got in the car.
    When we arrived at the Alpha’s house I was impressed by how beautiful it was. As I got out of the car I felt my nerves on edge, I didn’t know what this meeting was about but I could only guess I was in trouble. When we entered the house we were quickly led to the Alpha’s office and when we entered the Alpha immediately asked my dad to wait outside and asked me to take a seat. I took a seat and started playing with my rings on my fingers. He cleared he throat and stood up and he was easily 6’3” which was like a giant to me.
“I’m sure your curious as to why I called you here.” he said, his voice full of authority.
“I am.” I replied.
“It doesn’t have to do with Blake, even though I did speak to him. What he did was rude and uncalled for.” he said and now I was confused, yesterday this man had called my dad and made it seem like the end of the world and that I had been the one in the wrong and now he was basically apologizing to me.
“Its fine, I should have been paying more attention to where I was going.”
“Don’t make excuses for his actions Alivia. Now to the reason I called you to my office, it seems you made quite an impression on Prince Kai.”
“Honestly Sir I didn’t do anything.”
“Alivia I know you didn’t do anything wrong don’t worry. What I’m saying is Prince Kai was just here for a short visit but he has now decided he was going to spend a little bit more time here, which is all thanks to you. To have him staying with my pack is an honor Alivia, most packs rarely get to meet the prince in person and now I have him staying with mine. Now eventually he will be returning to the kingdom but I wanted to personally thank you for making this possible.”
“Sir I really didn’t do anything, he helped me up from my fall and bought me coffee is anything I unknowingly insulted him without even knowing who he was.”
“Well obviously he wasn’t insulted, now because of these developments I am allowing you access to the pack. As of right now its not permanent access but we’ll revisit the subject in 6 months, how does that sound?” he asked
“Amazing, thank you so much!” I said unable to hold back my enthusiasm. I was getting access to the pack, but this also meant I would have to deal with Kai. Its not that I didn’t like him but I was a human and now that I knew he was the prince of the supernatural made him more dangerous then I had originally thought. He wasn’t just a wolf but had powers and blood from every type of supernatural being that ever existed. I was beyond helpless when it came to Kai and helpless was not a feeling I enjoyed.
    I walked out of the Alpha’s office and ran right into someone, I had to stop running into wolves. Yet when I felt the arms that steadied me I knew this just wasn’t any wolf, so when I raised my eyes up to the persons face I wasn’t surprised when I saw it was Kai. His presence was something I could feel before I saw him, being so close to him almost made it hard to breathe.
“You should start looking up instead of down, you should never look down it makes you looks submissive.” he growled and when he has said the word “you” I felt shivers go down my spine.
“In this territory I am submissive.” I whispered feeling insecure. He gently grabbed my chin and I felt the shivers again. He made sure I was looking directly into his eyes when he spoke.
“Alivia you should never be submissive to anyone, not even me. Do I make myself clear?” he said with his voice oozing so much power I felt my knees go weak. I wasn’t sure if I liked the way he looked at me or if it made me uncomfortable but at that moment I needed for him to look away and for him to remove his hands from my body. Suddenly my father walked over but halted mid step when he saw who was standing before me. Kai looked at my father without turning his body away from me and I watched as my father bowed. Kai nodded his head and my dad stood up and then looked at me.
"Should i have bowed?" i asked Kai
"No agapi mou, you should never bow to me." he said and smiled and then turned and walked away. I was left standing there unsure of what i should do until my dad cleared his throat.
"What did that mean, agapi mou?" i asked
"Nothing important." My dad said but something about the way he said it made me question it.
"Ok then, are we done here?"
"Yes, let’s head home. Your mother replaced all the things you broke in your room, i hope next tie your can control that temper better."
"Maybe next time you can control yours too, you yelled at me for nothing. The Alpha had eve granted me temporary access to the pack and everything, he said in 6 months he'll reevaluate it."
"I love that you have access but Alivia don't get your hopes up on this being permanent after the 6 months, as soon as the prince tires of you he'll revoke everything and be gone. Don't be stupid when it comes to the prince."
"Are you basically saying that Kai just wants to get in my pants, that he doesn't think of me as anything other then a piece of ass?"
"Do not call him Kai, you will call him Prince Kai, your majesty or you will not speak to him at all." my father growled.
"He allows me to call him Kai; he didn't even tell me he was the prince until the alpha said something. I also don't have to bow to him." i said ad turned my body to face the window not wanting to continue this conversation.
        When we got home i ran up to my room and slammed my door, my dad thought the only reason someone as important as the prince would talk to me would be to sleep with me, how low did my parents think of me. Everything had changed since we came here; my family life used to be so happy and peaceful and now it seemed like all i did was fight with my parents. I didn't like this role of angry teenage daughter, it didn’t suit me well and i hated all this crying i was doing. I didn't sleep that night which was not good because i started school this morning and i had a feeling my day was not going to be easy. I got ready and headed downstairs, both of my parents were already gone both Scott was sitting at the table eating a breakfast sandwich.
"Morning sis." he said happily, of course he was happy he had 6 months left till he graduated high school while i still had all next year to finish after these next 6 months of hell.
"Morning..." i mumbled and grabbed a pop tart.
"I don't understand how you’re so skinny when you eat crap all the time." he said shaking his head.
"hey i would be the same way if i were a wolf, maybe its fates way of making sure i fit into a werewolf family." i said and stuck my tongue out and then grabbed my keys and headed out to my jeep.

        When i got the school the first person to greet me was Kai.
"I thought you might be too old for high school." i mumbled knowing that having him here was going to stir up some trouble. He laughed but continued to walk beside me.
"Your actually right, I’m here because i promised my father i would teach a class for the werewolf students about all supernatural beings this way they would be prepared if they ever crossed paths."
"Oh so if your a teacher how old are you exactly?" i asked feeling a little uncomfortable, to be honest he looked like he could be no older then 25 but when it came to the supernatural what age they looked could be off by a thousand years.
"Do you really want the answer to that question?" he asked with a smirk.
"As much as I’d like to say no, my curiosity has outweighed my better judgment." i said and he laughed.
"I’m technically 278, but i will never look older then 30."
"Holy shit..." i mumbled and just shook my head and started walking faster.
"Alivia wait up." he called and was quickly by my side again.
"What do you want Kai, i don't want to be rude but i'm a human and your the prince of supernatural’s. I have nothing to offer you, i'm not sleeping with you ever so seriously why bother." i said and then let out a heavy sigh, i had been in this town for 3 days and it felt like a lifetime. When i looked up to face him he looked angry and i backed away, i honestly had no idea what he was capable of.
"First off do not back away from me like i am going to hurt you, i would never hurt you Alivia. Secondly i may think you are beautiful but having sex with you is not what i want from you. And third stop saying you are just a human, you are more then just a human." he growled and stepped forward so he was only inches from me again. I felt the pressure around me again and the tingles in my spine and suddenly my knees buckled and i went to fall but he caught me.
"What happened, are you ok?"
"I'm fine, i just think when your get too close and you let your power show my body can't handle it, its too much." i replied and gently brushed his hands away from me.
"I’m sorry; usually my power only bothers other supernatural’s.”
"well how often are you round regular humans?" i asked.
" i guess not so often anymore, but still it shouldn't affect you life this." he replied when suddenly the bell rang. i cursed under my breath and ran for the school and rushed to the office. I was out of breath when i entered and had to take a moment before i could even ask the secretary for my schedule and locker assignment. She handed me everything i needed and i took off down the hall trying to follow the map she gave me so i wouldn't be so late to class. When i entered the class room i could feel the eyes of the other students on me, especially the shifters. I handed the teacher the paper i needed each teacher to sign to hand in at the end of the day so i could prove i made it to every class on my first day. She signed it and pointed to an open desk in the last row by the windows in the back of the class. I took my seat and noticed some of shifters were still staring at me or should i say glaring, they obviously weren't happy with me and i guess it had to do with Kai. I don't blame them, if i was a shifter i would be upset that the Prince was spending so much time around a human. I decided to pretend i didn't notice their hateful stares and pulled out my notebook and started to copy the notes the teacher wrote on the board. When the bell rang i gathered my things and headed to my next class when suddenly i was pushed into the lockers and my books went flying everywhere. When i stopped myself from falling i looked to see who my attacker had been and sure enough it was Blake again, obviously he had something against me.

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