chapter 5

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Chapter Five...

When i arrived at school this morning there was no Kai waiting for me, which was a relief and also a concern. He made my life so complicated but I kind of liked having him around, I couldn't make my mind up on how I felt having him here. I walked into the school and headed towards my locker when the girl who had a locker next to me turned and said hi to me.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked in surprise.

"Well i don't see anyone else silly." she said and laughed. She was really pretty, she was tall with long black hair and icy blue eyes, and I bet if she wanted to she could easily be a model. I had no idea why she would talk to me especially since it was obvious she was a shifter. I had pretty much determined that no one in this pack wanted anything to do with me but here was there girl smiling happily at me.

"Did you lose a bet or something or is this a trick?" I asked still feeling uneasy.

"No not at all, listen not all of us are like Blake and his crew. They always hate new people and have a special dislike for humans, but I have a feeling your a pretty badass human." she said and gave me an award winning smile.

"Thanks, so what's your name?"

"Nika, and i already know your name is Alivia but can I call you Ali?"

"Sure, that's what all my friends back in NY used to call me."

"Good, I have a feeling you and I are going to get along quite well."

"It would be nice to have a friend." I admitted shyly. I would just about kill for a friend at this point, sure I had Kai to talk to but for some reason he didn't seem like a friend to me. She hook arms with me and started walking toward our first class, I didn't even notice that she was in most of my classes yesterday. We took our seats, she had made one of the guys who sat next to me switch seats with her and I felt relieved to finally have someone to talk to.

As we walk from class to class together I noticed that all the shifters who had tortured me yesterday kept their distance which seemed strange to me. So I decided I would ask Nika why none of the shifters messed with me with her around.

"I have to ask you something which may seem odd but I'm curious. How come everyone who harassed me yesterday is suddenly keeping their distance?"

"Well being the Alpha's daughter had its perks Ali." she said with a giggle.

"You're Blake's sister?!" I choked out not believing this nice girl could possibly be related to Blake of all people.

"Yeah, I know he's a jerk. He wasn't always like that but ever since he shifted last year he's suddenly taken the future Alpha title too far. I'm hoping that once my father starts involving him in pack politics he'll realize that its not all about power." She answered and then shrugged her shoulder.

"Let's hope he changes otherwise your pack is in a lot of trouble." I replied without looking at her. I felt bad for saying it but it was true, if Blake got too power hungry and continued to be such a tyrant the pack would suffer under his rule.

"I can always challenge him for the title, not that I want to be Alpha but I would never let my brother destroy this pack. Pack is family and you don't mess with family." she answered and I could hear how serious she was, her pack obviously meant a lot to her. I wouldn't want to mess with her pack if she was Alpha, I realized that Nika was sweet and kind unless you crossed her which was probably another reason why the other shifters were leaving me alone today.

I drove home that day actually feeling better then I had since we arrived here in California. I still wanted nothing more then to move back to NY but if everyday was like today I wouldn't hate it here. As I walked in the front door I saw my mom dressed in her scrubs heading out to work which was strange because usually she works the early morning shift.

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