Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen....

After dinner I hung out with Nika a little longer before Ayden came and stole her away from me. After that I tried to find Kai but he was nowhere to be found so I went to my room. I noticed immediately my rose and my bracelet were missing. I didn’t even bother looking for any of my other things, those two things especially my mothers bracelet. I started tearing my room apart looking for the bracelet when I heard someone enter the room. I pulled myself from under the bed and peaked over the bed to see who it was and standing there was Kai with a confused and amused look on his face.
“What are you doing in here?” he asked
“I was going to get ready for bed but I noticed my mothers bracelet was missing and I can’t find it and I’m freaking out Kai!” I cried, now that I had admitted to losing it I couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. He walked over to me and sat on the bed pulling me into his lap and gently moving the hair out of my eyes.
“Calm down, I figured since we mated that you would stay in my room with me while you are here. I had all your stuff moved this afternoon while you were at the pool and since you went with Nika after dinner I didn’t have the chance to tell you. So your bracelet is safely in my room so stop crying and let’s get ready for bed, even though I don’t think your going to get much rest tonight.” he said and lifted me bridal style and started carrying me out of the room.
“Kai you should have told me at dinner about my stuff. I was freaking out, I thought I lost the one thing I have that belonged to my mother.” I whined and he just nuzzled into my neck kissing his mark which made me completely forget what I was complaining about.
    When I woke up in the morning I was still tired and my body was so sore from the night before I didn’t even want to move. I felt Kai’s arms wrap around my waist and pull me to my chest and I let out a small giggle which only seemed to encourage him.
“Please Kai don’t. My body can’t take anymore, I need sleep!” I cried out and he laughed and continued to kiss my neck.
“I swear mister if you don’t stop right now your not going to be able to use that part of your body ever again.” I warned which seemed to stop him from kissing me but he then pinned my arms above my head and leaned over me.
“Now you wouldn’t do that to me, that would be just as bad of a punishment for you as it would be for me.”
“Try me.” I hissed and he let go of my arms and moved off of me.
“Thanks.” I quipped and rolled out of bed and scurried to the bathroom and took a shower alone thankfully. After I stayed in the shower for as long as I could before the water started to get cold, I turned off the water and dried myself off. My muscles felt a little but better but they still ached. I put on my robe on and exited the bathroom, Kai passed me on his way into the bathroom giving me a quick kiss. He showered while I got dressed and when he came out he looked a little sad.
“What’s with the pouty face?” I asked.
“We’re leaving tonight and going back to California. I was going to tell you last night but…I kind of got a little distracted…” he said with a sheepish grin.
“A little distracted? I hope I’m more then a little distraction.” I commented and stuck my tongue out at him. He came over and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me and then whispered, “You are way more then a little distraction.” I smiled and then pushed him away and headed downstairs so he wouldn’t get any ideas before I had a chance to eat.
    I walked into the dinning room to see everyone already sitting and eating, even Ayden.
“Nice to see you again Ayden.”
“A pleasure to see you again Princess.” he replied and gave me a small bow with his head.
“Please just call me Alivia or Ali like Nika does.” I pleaded not wanting anyone to call me princess, I didn’t even know how I felt about being princess. As I took my seat Kai came walking in with a big grin on his face. He sat next to me and started eating the food in front of him and then started up a conversation with Ayden. By the end of the conversation he had convinced Ayden that he needed to come to California with us. He made up some excuse on how he needed help with the project he was working on with the Alpha there but in truth I knew he did it partly for Nika and then partly because he wanted Nika to be distracted so I would spend more time with him then her. Once Ayden agreed Kai excused the both of us from the table and he brought me outside to the garden.
“So I hope once we get back to California things between us don’t change.” he said while looking at the ground.
“Well they are going to change a little bit Kai, I mean my family will be around and the pack. Besides I have to go back to school so you won’t be spending all day with me like we do here.” I replied.
“Well your going to be stuck with me sleeping over.”
“Why sometimes?”
“Kai I need sleep if I’m going to pass my classes and having you around every night is no going to provide with the sleep that I need. So how about four nights a week you sleep over and for the other three you stay at the pack house.” I offered.
“Yeah we’ll see how long that lasts.” he teased.
“For how ever long I want it to last mate.” I joked and he growled playfully.
“So when are we leaving?” I asked.
“In about two hours.” he answered.
“Kai I have to pack!” I panicked.
“Don’t worry everything is already taken care of. Its packed and on its way to the airport, except for this.” he said and pulled out my mothers bracelet and handed it to me.
“Thanks Kai.” I said putting the bracelet on.
“Anything for you.” he said with a cheesy smile so I elbowed him in the ribs gently.
    Two hours later I was sitting back in the private jet that had taken me here when we left Vegas. This time it was a little bit different since now Kai and I were getting along and Nika and Ayden were with us as well. After everyone was boarded on the plan and had taken their seats we began our flight back to California. A part of me was excited to see me family but the other part wanted nothing more then to stay in Texas at the palace where everything seemed so much easier. Halfway through the flight Kai pulled me to the back of the plane, at first I thought he just wanted to make out or something but the serious look on his face told me otherwise.
“What’s up? You look a little scary when your this serious.” I asked feeling that sinking feeling again.
“There’s something I have to tell you before we get back to California. I know I should have told you sooner but I kept getting distracted.”
“What is it?”
“Well since we mated and you received the blood from all the supernatural’s during the process you now have access to your powers. You don’t have to wait till your 18th birthday anymore Liv, you not just human.” He explained and I felt my jaw drop and my brain trying to wrap itself around this information. Then once it sunk in I felt I was going to throw up.
“No this is bad, this is really bad Kai. I need time, this needs to wait!” I cried out.
“Why what’s wrong, I thought you would be happy about this?” he asked confused.
“No don’t you understand, now that I have my powers he’ll come for me! He no longer needs to wait till I turn 18!!” I said as I tried to catch my breath but the panic was already setting in and I felt trapped in the plane and I just needed fresh air but we were still at least an hour away from our destination.
“breathe Liv, relax please. I told you I will protect you, you’re my mate and I will never let him take you. If I lost you I don’t know what I would do, I need you Liv.” he said and pulled me to his chest crushing me against him which helped me catch my breath and calm me down a bit.
“You can’t protect me every single day every single hour, just like he said in my dream at some point my guards won’t be there and he will get me.”
“They are just dreams Liv, its your imagination turning your fears into a false reality. You are safe, he will not get you ok.” He said and I just nodded. Part of me still knew that there was a chance he was wrong, there was a chance I would get captured and when that happened I would just have to be prepared. I just stayed in his arms for the rest of the flight not wanting to move. When the plane started its descent I tried prepare myself for my reunion with my family since I knew they’d have a lot to say but I guess it was now or never…

*** this chapter is a little more boring then the last but don't worry more to come!***

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