chapter 4

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Chapter Four...

    The rest of the day seemed to be a lot of the same thing, when i got my lunch i was walking to a table when one of the popular girl shifters walked over to me and pushed my tray into my chest smearing my food on me. She looked over to Blake's table and he clapped him hands and smiled at the girl who then turned back to me said, "Filthy human go back to where you belong." I wanted nothing more then to make a snappy come back but i could feel the tears threatening to spill over so i threw the tray in the nearest garbage and ran for the bathroom. I locked myself in a stall and just cried until the bell rang, i tried to clean up my face the best i could but nothing seemed to help, and besides my clothes were ruined by my lunch the girl had pushed into me. I sighed and exited the bathroom only to be met by Kai himself.

"What happened?" he growled angrily, his eyes glowing silver.

"Nothing, i'm just clumsy." i said and tried to walk past him but he stopped me.

"Tell me what happened." he growled at me.

"Nothing Kai, just let me go to class before i have even more problems." i whined feeling really pathetic at the moment.

"Fine but i want answers later agapi mou."

"Stop calling me that i don't even know what it means." i yelled and stormed off. I made it through the rest of the day without incident which i was grateful for, i didn't think i could take anymore today. I ran out to my car and rushed home and ran up to my room before anyone could stop me. I showered and changed my clothes and then decided i was going to take a walk in the woods. I was usually afraid of the woods because of my dreams but i was too upset to give in to my fears and i needed something to distract me from my life. I didn't pay attention to where i was walking or how long i was walking until i heard a stick snap behind me. I froze in my steps and whipped my head around to try and find the source of the noise but i heard nothing. I stepped forward again when i heard the noise again so i stopped and just waited, after a few minutes i decided to try and turn around on the path i was on and try and find my way home. It was starting to get dark and i started to panic, it was bad enough to be in the woods but even worse in the dark. The dark made my dreams all to real for me and who knew if there were any rogue wolves in the area, i knew i didn't want to hang around to find out. I picked up my pace but as soon as i did that i started hearing snapping branches behind me and that’s when i decided i would try and call out for help. Maybe i was close enough to my house for my family to hear my cries for help, their hearing was amazing and i was counting on it to help me tonight.

"Scott!!!" i screamed as i started running, i kept yelling his name until i heard noise in front of me and it was getting closer That's when suddenly i saw his brown wolf with white paws in front of me and i sunk to my knees sighing in relief. He went behind a tree and shifted and pulled some shorts on and came back out.

"Thank god your ok, we were all getting worried and then i heard you screaming my name and you sounded scared. What happened Ali?" he said walking over to check me for injuries.

"I went for a walk trying to clear my head and lost track of time when suddenly i heard branches breaking around me so i started heading back on the path and then i heard it again and started running and it was following and i panicked and yelled your name hoping you'd come help." i panted.

"You think someone was following you?" he asked concerned.

"I don't know what to think Scott, i just know it freaked me out."

"What happened to my boring little sister, suddenly in 3 days you have more drama going on then you've had in 17 years."

"Don't remind me." i grumbled as he pulled me to my feet and led me back to the house. When i walked in the house my mom came running over and pulled me into her arms.

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