Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven...

        When I woke up I was in my own bedroom and it was dark out which did not make sense since I had been attacked by Kai at night and there was no way I had only been asleep for a few hours. I tried reaching for my alarm clock that was on my night stand but as soon as I reached out I felt pain shoot threw my body and I whimpered in pain. As soon as I made that noise my mom came running in and sat on the edge of my bed her face full of concern.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" she cooed.

"Like crap, how long have I been sleeping?" I asked feeling groggy, I could probably sleep for another couple hours.

" Two days, the pack doctor kept you medicated so you would sleep through the worst of it. I had some pain medication to take the edge off it, do you need it?"

"Yes please, I feel like I got hit by a Mack truck." I mumbled still a little shocked I had been sleeping for two days and was still tired. She reached for the glass of water beside my bed and opened a bottle of pills and handed me one and then the glass of water, I took it and then settled back into my spot and closed my eyes hoping my mom would just leave me alone.

"Kai stopped by earlier, he's very sorry sweetie, he even brought you flowers." she said as she pointed over to my windowsill where a giant orchid plant sat.

"Throw that out, I don't even want to look at it." I grumbled and closed my eyes again hoping she would take the hint.

"Alivia don't act like that, shifters lose their tempers and I'm sure dealing with yours has not been easy for him." she snipped and got up and started walking towards the door.

"I never asked him to deal with me, trust me having him around in the last thing I want or need." I snapped before she exited my room shutting the door behind her. I let out a heavy sigh and closed my eyes feeling the pain medication setting in. Unlike my two days of slumber my sleep was restless and my bad dreams had returned. I was now starting to think that my dreams were not really dreams but of things that had happened since i was seeing a giant wolf chase down a woman who looked like an older version of me. I think my dreams were just my subconscious showing me what had happened to my mother, and the only relief in that was the woman never died in my dreams. I would give anything to know if she was still alive, or if my father had succeeded in murdering her to get to me. I guess i would never know the answer to that unless he found me and i could ask him myself, but to be honest i didn't want to be found by him even if it provided me with the answers i so desperately was seeking.

        I finally gave up on sleeping after a few hours of my dreams taunting me and just laid in bed staring at my ceiling since i couldn't move at all. I was waiting for my mom or someone else to return so they could get my phone and my laptop so I could actually do something then just lay here like a sack of potatoes. When I heard my bedroom door open I was expecting my mom to enter but was surprised to see Nika walk in.

"Hey..." she said as she entered.

"Hey, so how bad do I look?" I asked and smiled trying to lighten the mood since she seemed a little nervous.

"Not as bad as Kai feels." she offered as she sat on the side of my bed.

"I don't care how bad he feels, he should feel bad. He attacked me Nika, he shifted and attacked me!" I cried out, instantly regretting it because I felt like my whole body was on fire.

"He let his wolf take over, it happens sometimes Ali. At anytime when we get too emotional we can lose control, its not like you helped the situation." she said, mumbling the last part because she knew i wouldn't like being blamed.

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