Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen...

We exited the plan and I was so relieved to notice that the only one waiting for us was the driving for the car to take us home. I kept looking around nervously I didn’t know why I just had a bad feeling about being back here. I wished we had stayed in Texas in the confines of the palace walls which made me feel safe and happy. Being back here in this place made me remember how hard everything was here, nothing good ever happened in this place or so it seemed. We got into the car and we headed for home. The car dropped me off first and after a big argument Kai agreed to first go to the pack house so I could talk to my family and then he could come back over later. I gave him a quick kiss goodbye and exited the car and the driver got out and took my bags out of the back for me. I didn’t realize how much stuff I had accumulated in a few days in Texas. I grabbed my bags and headed into the house knowing this wasn’t going to go how I planned. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

“I’m home!” I called and suddenly I was picked up and squeezed tightly and I knew instantly it was Scott.

“I feel like its been forever little sis!” he yelled happily.

“I know, it was only like a week but it felt like a year.” I exclaimed as he put me down. Then my parents came rushing over crushing me in a hug.

“Its so good to see my little girl, mated and all. And of course she’s not just mated to anyone but the Prince!”

“Its not a big deal mom.” I said trying to shrug it off, this is part of the reason why I did not want to come home but Kai said I had to.

“Of course it’s a big deal, you’re a Princess now and one day you’ll be Queen. I don’t think your brother ever thought he’d be bowing to you one day.”

“He’ll never have to bow to me mom that’s just weird.” I said trying to find a way out of this conversation.

“Of course he will sweetie everyone will have to.”

“Ok well on that note I’m tired from traveling so I think I’m going to head up to bed. I’m so happy I’m home and happy to see everyone so we can talk tomorrow ok.” I said and started walking towards the stairs.

“Ok sweetie.” my mom and dad called and I rushed up to my room letting out a sigh when I closed the door. I put my bags down and then noticed a bouquet of dark red roses on my table so I walked over to see if there was a card. There was a small white card right in front that I pulled out. I assumed it was from Kai even though I didn’t know how he would have had the time to drop them off or why he wouldn’t have stuck around. So I opened the card and read,

Dear Alivia,

    I’ll see you soon…

I dropped the card on the table not sure what to make of it. I wanted to believe these flowers were from Kai but he would have sent me yellow roses unless maybe the florist messed up. What if they weren’t from Kai, who else would have been in my room and who else would “see me soon” ? I tried to brush it off, I guess I would just wait for Kai to come over and ask him. So I bent down and picked up the card and placed it next to the roses and then started to unpack my things.

    I heard my balcony door opened but I didn’t turn around, I would let Kai surprise me by wrapping his arms around me like he usually did. Yet that didn’t happen I felt someone’s hand with a rag close over my face and then the room drifted out of focus until it went black. I couldn’t believe this was happening, not even in California for two hours and something bad had already happened.

    When I woke up in was in a semi-dark cold room on the most uncomfortable mattress I had ever slept on. I sat up feeling slightly dizzy but it wasn’t that bad. I started looking around and noticed it wasn’t even a room but a cell. I was hoping more then anything that it was anyone but my biological father who was behind this kidnapping. I would rather random rogues then my father, maybe because if wasn’t him then I still had a chance at escaping. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming down the hall so I laid back down trying to pretend I was still asleep. I heard banging on the bars and couldn’t help but turn my head to see who was there.

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