chapter 34

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Chapter Thirty Four...


              I was silent for the longest time not knowing what to say. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to say yes but I didn’t believe I deserved this after everything I had done. What if I couldn’t make him happy what if I was just a constant disappointment to him and he got tired of my crazy antics. I looked down into his beautiful eyes and I felt my heart melt, I didn’t care if I deserve him or not I needed him all too myself forever and ever.

“Yes…” I whispered through my tears and nodded my head just in case he hadn’t heard me. I heard him sigh in relief and then slid the giant rock on my finger. He stood up and pulled me into a hug and whispered, “I almost thought you were going to turn me down, I think I even stopped breathing.”

“I didn’t mean to scare you, but when I saw you down on one knee I suddenly started to believe I don’t deserve you and I don’t Kai. I have done nothing but make your life a living hell since the moment you met me. Why would you want to spend the rest of your life with me?” I asked and he pulled back and cupped my face in his hands.

“Liv you have done nothing but make me the happiest I have ever been, you’re my mate, my other half and not having you in my life makes me miserable. Don’t ever think that you make my life hell because it is quite the opposite. I love you Liv and I’m going to love you forever, we’re going to have this baby and many others and live very happily for the rest of our lives.” he answered and then kissed me and it took my breath away, he always seemed to take my breath away.

“I’m going to make you the happiest husband ever.” I said and gave him another kiss.
    We spent the entire night together enjoying every second of each other. The whole pregnant thing had made it a little weird at first but Kai was so loving and gentle that he made me comfortable no matter what. After a few hours I fell asleep in his arms and it felt nice to be back here and happy again. So when I woke up in the morning I just laid there and stared at my ring, I was so happy. I turned over and kissed Kai gently and his eyes opened slowly and he smiled happily at me.

“Good morning future Mrs. Montgomery.” he teased.

“Good morning future husband.” I replied and got up and headed for the bathroom. He soon joined me in the shower ending any insecurities I had about my body. After we showered and got dressed I decided we should go tell Lily and Ezra the news.
    We entered the dinning room where they were both sitting eating their breakfast and talking quietly when we both entered. Ezra stood and Lily rushed over to hug me.

“Its good to have you back for good Alivia.” Ezra said and I smiled and told him it was good to be back. Then I held up my left hand with the ring on it for Lily and she squealed with delight, typical Lily.

“Oh my gosh finally! Now Alivia we need to start planning this wedding the baby is going to be born in less in about three months!” she gushed and I held my hand up to stop her.

“Lily I refuse to get married pregnant.”

“Your going to have the baby unmarried…” she said as if it were the worst thing imaginable.

“Yes, its quite bad enough I got pregnant at 17 and am having a baby at 18. I do not want to look back at my wedding photos and say ‘oh wow look at my belly’. No I want to enjoy my wedding and wear the dress I want and to have everyone think I look absolutely stunning.” I answered but she didn’t look convinced. Kai leaned down and kissed my mark and whispered, “you look stunning no matter what”.

“Thanks babe but I’m still not getting married while I’m knocked up.” I called as I walked over to the table and took my seat getting ready to eat. Kai and Ezra laughed and Lily just shook her head but I realized she still wasn’t convinced that my decision was final and would take some more convincing. This was a time when she wasn’t going to win the battle no matter what she said or did. I didn’t even care if she planned a whole goddamn wedding, I would not be walking down that aisle unless it was the wedding I planned.
    I finished my breakfast then headed out to the pool to relax. Kai followed me outside and sat in the lounge beside me and I glanced over at him.

“You’re here to yell at me now aren’t you? I knew I wasn’t going to get away with running off again without a good argument with you.” I asked.

“I don’t want to argue with you but seriously Liv what the hell were you thinking?” he asked and I sat there thinking how to answer this without causing more trouble.

“Okay, I’ll admit that my idea was a little insane. Yet I did have a friend of mine cast a spell on the baby to protect it from harm…”

“Which would not protect you or the baby if you had been killed Alivia.” he growled.

“…Let me finish you big bully. I already told you I realize it was crazy and stupid but it worked. Besides Kai you don’t even realize the half of it. I had gone to kill my father and I thought I was going to save my mother. It turns out she had forgiven my father and joined him in leading me there so they could capture me and control me. They also sent a note telling me the only reason they let Nika go was because they wanted the baby, our baby. I wasn’t going to let that happen and I knew if I told you that you would lose it an go all crazy wolf prince on them and do something stupid and possibly getting yourself kill. I couldn’t let that happen, I may fight with you a lot but I really do love you Kai. I knew I could handle myself even though when my mother came into the picture it became a lot more difficult.” I explained.

“They wanted our baby?” he asked his voice hoarse with emotion.

“Yes and I wasn’t letting anyone take my baby or hurt my mate, you’re my family now and I’m not going to let anyone biological parents or not hurt my family. Your all I have Kai, you and this baby are my everything.” I confessed feeling the tears start to fall.

“Liv I am so sorry you had to go through killing both of your parents on your own, I wish I would have been there so I could have taken that burden off you. I’m supposed to be the one protecting you not the other way around.” he said trying to be all macho male.

“Kai… I’ve never been a damsel in distress and I don’t plan on ever living up to that title.” I replied and patted his hand gently and went back to sunbathing.

“I did save you from that crumbling building that day.” he interjected trying to prove he could save me.

“Hush your ruining my moment.” I teased and he growled and suddenly was hovering over me.

“Kai your blocking the sun!” I screeched and he just laughed and me and started nuzzling my neck.

“I’m saving you from getting sunburn.” he teased.

“I don’t need saving from the sun you moron now get off or this is going to be the first and only child you ever have!” I growled and instantly he was back on his chair and I gave him my most charming smile.

“Your lucky you’re my mate because I would not tolerate this abuse from anyone else.” he teased.

“Oh you know you love me!” I giggled.

“Of course I do, but your still a pain in my ass.” he said and got up and headed back inside leaving me to my sunbathing. Later that day I decided to call my family who was so relieved to hear from me again. After my father got done yelling at me and telling me how much he missed and loved me I got to talk to Scott. Scott said he missed me like crazy and the house was way to quiet without me. Then finally my mother took the home and she kept gushing about the baby and the wedding and I felt like my ears were going to start bleeding. I finally had to convince her I had some sort of important princess stuff to do and she promptly said goodbye. I sighed in relief when I finally got off the phone with her and then found myself in the kitchen pulling out a tub of ice cream and digging into it with a spoon. I let out a groan of pure bliss when the spoon hit my lips and then I heard a chuckle to my right. I glanced over to see Kai standing in the doorway.

“If your going to say something that’s going to make me want to hit you then you are better off leaving now.” I said and went back to my ice cream.

“I just thought your immense pleasure due to ice cream was absolutely adorable.”

“Ugh keep that word adorable to yourself.” I scoffed taking another spoonful of ice cream.

“Fine what would you rather be called?” he asked a smirk still on his face and I wanted nothing then to smack it right off.

“Beautiful, sexy, stunning, gorgeous…shall I go on or does that pea brain of yours get where I’m going with this?” I asked. He came over and kissed my cheek and smiled at me.

“Your sexy when your angry.” he whispered into my ear making tingles run down my spine. So I leaned forward and brushed my lips against his ear and felt him shiver and then whispered, “I think you may want to start taking cold showers…” I then looked up as his face as he pulled away with a sour look on his face.

“Your just mean Liv.” he pouted.

“I’m a crazy, hormonal, pregnant teenager. You created this now deal with it.” I said and laughed and took another spoonful of ice cream. That’s when Lily came rushing in with a giant binder in her arms.

“Great I finally found you, let’s get to planning that wedding!” she trilled her voice making me wince. I waved my spoon in the air while shaking my head.

“You better get that binder away from me before you find it in the pool.” I called while grabbing the tub of ice cream and trying to run out of the kitchen. Kai grabbed the back on my shirt pulling me to a halt and I glared hatefully at him.

“Payback is a bitch Princess.” his said and smiled and then left the room. Oh he was so going to regret this later.

“Now Alivia we have to plan this wedding, we only have so much time.” Lily said ignoring my threat of throwing her precious binder in the pool which to be honest was not a threat but a complete possibility.

“No Lily I have all the time in the world to plan my wedding.” I answered.

“Alivia! We have less then 3 months now please stop being childish and help me plan this damn wedding!” she yelled which just pushed my temper over the edge.

“I am not getting married in the next 3 months. You either get that wedding binder away from me and stop mentioning my wedding or you are going to seriously regret it!” I growled angrily making her eyes widen but then narrow.

“Do you forget who you are speaking to young lady!?” she asked as she stalked towards me.

“No I know perfectly well who I am speaking to Queen.” I sneered and she gasped in outrage.

“Stop being such an insubordinate child and help me plan this wedding!” she screamed at me.

“I am not planning a wedding till after this baby is born, now back off before you seriously regret it!” I screamed back I heard the sizzle of the fire start to crackle in my palms and I knew she was pushing me too far.

“I will not have my first grandchild be born into a unwedded union! It is unheard of in the royal family!” she screeched and tried to stared me down and use her influence over me which just made me laugh.

“There is a first time for everything, because this girl is not getting married till she damn well pleases!”

“You will get married when I say you get married!” she screamed in my face which was all my temper needed to allow my body to combust in flames again. She screamed and jumped back and started screaming for Kai. Him came running back in the room and muttered a few curses under his breath when he saw me.

“Please Alivia just calm down, whatever happened I’m sure we can fix this.” he pleaded. I tried calming down but I couldn’t.

“Make her go.” I hissed and he basically pushed him mother out of the room but she was still screaming wedding stuff as she left. When she was out of the room I started to calm down a bit so the flames became smaller but didn’t recede completely.

“Talk to me tell me what’s wrong I’m sure we can fix this.” he pleaded and I could tell he wanted to touch me but knew better than that. I took a few deep breaths until the flames were only in my palms.

“She’s insane Kai!” I yelled.

“She’s just excited why can’t you just appease her.” he said trying to speak as calmly as possible.

“No because before we know it she’s going to have us dressed in our sleep and is going to be pushing me down an aisle.”

“Is marrying me so horrible that she’s going to have to force you to do it?” he asked sadly.

“Kai you know that’s not it, I am not getting married till I’ve had this baby. I have dreamed of my wedding my entire life just like every other girl in the world. Not once in those dreams was I ever severely pregnant. I want my dream dress and not one that makes me look like a giant marshmallow, I want to look at those pictures and think I look beautiful. Don’t you dare start with your ‘you always look beautiful’ crap because I swear to god Kai I will officially lose it.”

“Fine I’ll talk to her, but will you maybe consider a wedding sooner rather than later?” he asked shyly and that’s when I snapped. I knew part of my unstable mood was the hormones but him and his mother were now just ganging up on me.

“Screw you Kai!” I yelled and stormed off towards my room. I heard knocking on my door and walked over and pulled it open with way more force then necessary.

“Talk to me Liv.” Kai pleaded.

“No, I’ll talk to you after the baby is born. Till then stay away from me because I don’t want to accidentally walk into a room and have a preacher there waiting for us to say our vows!” I spat and crossed my arms over my chest and he ran his hand threw his hair.

“Just be reasonable.” he pleaded and I just slammed the door in his face. I’ll show him reasonable…

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