Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten....

I heard gentle knocking on the bathroom door which distracted me from my thoughts.

“Alivia are you ok?” Kai called threw the door.

“Yes…no…I don’t know…” I mumbled knowing he would hear me.

“Can you come out and talk to me?”

“I need a minute or maybe a 1000 minutes.”

“Please just open the door, I rather you yell at me then lock yourself in there.” he pleaded and I kind of understood his point so I got up and washed off my face and found some mouth wash to help clean out my mouth. I closed my eyes to try and collect myself and then opened the door and came face to face with the person who had sent me running in the first place.

“Say something, anything.” he pleaded.

“How do you know I’m your mate? and how can I be your mate? I’m not a shifter.”

“Do you not remember what I told you about your father? You have shifter blood Alivia, very powerful shifter blood. And I know you’re my mate because I can sense it and feel it in every part of me especially when your so close. That’s why when I get too close you get weak and feel like you can’t breathe. Its because I haven’t claimed you yet and as a Prince I’m supposed to claim my mate within 48 hours of meeting her, that why its so intense for you. Its your body’s way of trying to give in to being claimed but you are unaware of what’s going on so you fight it. Its also the reason why I have a hard time controlling myself around you, and why I let you get away with everything even being disrespectful to me and everyone else. As my mate I would let you get away with murder if it got that far.” He said while taking my hands in his and staring right into my eyes. I’m not going to lie his eyes were mesmerizing which is why I usually tried to avoid direct contact but now that he was touching me and standing so close it was like two magnets pulling towards each other.

“This is so much to take in Kai, between meeting you and all that drama and then you giving me information about my real parents and now your saying you’re my mate and we’re off to the palace to have some kind of meeting with you father which I had no idea what its about. Well I’m kind of freaking out.” I spit out so fast I’m surprised he understood a word I said. I didn’t even realize I was shaking until he pulled me close and held me.

“Can we just forget about everything else right now and deal with the fact that I just told you that you are my mate?” he asked his voice gentle and kind and I made me feel all warm and tingly.

“I don’t know how to deal with that, you are a Prince and as of this moment I am just a human. Being with you would basically be putting a supernatural bulls eyes on my back and basically begging them all to take aim.” I cried out in despair not knowing how else to feel. He chuckled softly and pulled away from me eyes to look me in the eye.

“I sometimes forget how young and innocent you are. I already told you I would keep you safe.”

“Yeah and last time you said that I ended up beaten and broken by yours truly.” I replied and pulled out of his grip and made my way over to the sofa on the plane and laid down and closed my eyes.

“I told you I was really sorry about that and that I lost control. I would give anything to take that back. Can you please just forgive me for that one mistake, you can hold everything else I do against me now and till eternity but please let that go.” he begged and I considered it for a moment, let one incident go and have the permission to hold all future indiscretions against him, hmm… I guess it was a fair trade. I sat up slowly and eyed him carefully looking for some hint of deception but could find none so I nodded.

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