chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty Three....

After discovering I was pregnant last night I went to sleep really early. Not that I hadn’t wanted to continue my conversation with Claire but I was exhausted both emotionally and physically. A month ago I was a normal human girl who not so normal family but to me it had been normal. Life had been simple for me and happy and now it was a huge mess, not one part of my life was simple or normal and it seemed that every hour of each passing day added yet another problem to deal with. I almost wished I had Kai here to help me with some of the burden because the load was getting to large to bare alone. I sighed and rolled on my side and looked around the guest room I was staying in. It was very simple and understated and I liked it but I’m not going to lie I missed my room and my bed, even a part of me missed Kai too… I brushed away the stray tear that had managed to fight its way out. I eventually rolled out of bed and made my way to the kitchen to find Claire making breakfast.
“I hope you like blueberry pancakes because I made a whole bunch.” She sang cheerily.
“They happen to be my favorite.” I replied
“Good, mine too.” she sat and motioned for me to take a seat at the table. I sat down and she dropped a plate of five pancake in front of me and then placed another five in front of another chair. She grabbed two glasses of orange juice and finally came and sat down. I started eating and almost wanted to moan they were so good. Gosh I missed real food so much, no offense to Jake but his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on stale bread were not my idea of a good meal. My stomach made some happy noises as I stuffed my face with pancakes and fresh orange juice while Claire smiled happily at me.
“We need to put some meat on those bones if your going to have a good pregnancy.”
“Ugh can we just forget the pregnancy for now. I have so many other things to worry about.” I groaned.
“Do you not want the baby?” she asked concerned and immediately my hands went over my stomach protectively.
“No I want this baby, I just don’t want to stress myself out about it. Of course I want this baby, its mine.” I said and I knew I sounded really defensive and Claire didn’t deserve that, she had been nothing but kind to me since I showed up last night.
“Ok, just checking.” she quipped and went back to eating her breakfast. After we finished eating she thought we should start working on my powers. So I went and changed back into my clothes and met her outside on the front porch. At first she just had me show her what I could do already and she was impressed at what I had figured out on my own. She started giving me tips and exercises to strengthen my elemental control. She said once I strengthened those she would help me unlock the weather control powers I possessed but until then I would continue to practice.
    It only took me about four days before I was able to control the elements effortlessly and also make them 100x stronger. Now not only could I use air to push stuff away but I could now knock down trees and throw things hundreds of feet. Also my tiny balls of fire now ranged from small to quite large and dangerous, even the heat I could generate from my hands became deadly dangerous and useful. Earth had been the strongest to strengthen but actual the coolest once I figured it out. I could control the growth of any plant or tree and even make vines and such things grow from nothing, I could part the earth making giant crevasses in the dirt and even water when I tried. I felt like a superhero with these powers except at the moment I wasn’t fighting bad guys.
    Once I had proven myself with those powers she started having my use those powers to unlock my weather control. That is when everything got a little crazy at first it was just a few clouds and wind and then after a week everything changed. I could create thunderstorms and tornados and even hail just by mere thoughts, it reminded me of storm from x-men except I didn’t have white hair and crazy eyes. I played with the weather for days on end until finally Claire said she finally had enough and wanted a little sunshine back her life so I stopped messing with those powers for awhile. So eventually we moved on to the telekinesis which had to be the simplest power to control and I was thankful because I was exhausted from my weeks of practicing. During my weeks staying with Claire she kept me updated with news from the pack. She had told me that Kai and the pack were searching for me and my family was upset that I had been missing for over a month now including my time with my father. I felt a little bad for just abandoning them but this is something I needed to do especially now that I knew I was pregnant. Claire’s husband had returned once since I’ve been here and he was really nice and wasn’t bothered at all that Claire had basically moved me into their home.
    One day I was out in the woods right behind Claire’s house and I was messing around with my earth power, helping flowers and trees grow a little when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Claire and she had a sad look on her face.
“What wrong Claire?” I asked concerned, she had become like a grandmother to me.
“As much a I love having you her my dear I think its time to go.”
“Your kicking me out?” I asked feeling a little hurt and rejected.
“Oh no sweetie, remember what I said you are always welcome here, always… but you have a baby to think about and need a special doctor to help you care for such a child. Remember not only are you very powerful yourself but you are mated to the Prince and because of that you now carry the blood of all supernatural’s just as he does. This is not just any baby and I’m not saying that because it will one day rule this kingdom but it needs special care that I cannot give. I want to see you and this child healthy because when he or she is born I want you to come by and visit as much as you care to.”
“I didn’t even think about that, but Claire I have no where to go. There is nowhere I can go to get the treatment your suggesting for me and this baby.” I explained and she just gave me a gentle smile and replied, “Oh I’m sure you’ll think of someone. Just make sure its soon because your are about to start showing my dear” and with that she walked back into the house leaving me to my thoughts. So I stayed out there trying to think of someone who would help me with this baby when it hit me.
“Lily…” I whispered to myself. I knew she would help me, it would be her first grandchild and she would be thrilled. Yet I wasn’t going to go to her without making her promise she wouldn’t tell Kai I where I was. If she couldn’t make that promise I would have to try and find another way to get help.
    So I went inside and packed up the few belongings I had brought with me and then went to find Claire. She was sitting on the love seat she had sat on the first night we met.
“I see you figured out an answer to your problem.”
“Yeah, I’m going to contact his mother in Texas and see if she will help me without alerting him to my whereabouts.” I answered and she smiled and stood up and pulled me into a long hug.
“Your doing the right thing my dear, just remember your powers and don’t stop practicing because they will continue to grow stronger. Also after you turn 18 and your no longer pregnant your wolf will show which comes with more strength and all that good stuff.”
“Thank you for everything Claire and don’t worry once I have this baby I’ll be back. He or she will need to meet the woman who changed my life and let me know that I was pregnant before I did something really stupid.”
“I’ll look forward to that day. Now get going before it get too late, call me when you arrive at your destination ok.”
“Ok, tell Joe I said goodbye and hopefully next time I’m here we can get to know each other a little better.”
“Will do, take care my dear.” She said and I walked out the door. I walked into the forest before I teleported myself to a phone booth I knew in town. When I arrived there I dialed the number of Lily’s cell phone and waited three rings before she answered.
“Lily, its Alivia.” I replied.
“Oh my gosh Alivia where are you?! We have been searching everywhere for you, Kai is going crazy without you. He doesn’t sleep, he doesn’t eat, he’s an absolute mess! Now where are you I will send someone to get you.” she cried into the phone and the sadness and panic in her voice made me feel really guilty.
“Is Kai in Texas?” I asked.
“Oh no, he’s been all over the country searching for you. He said he won’t stop until your safe at home.”
“Lily I’ll come to Texas on one condition.” I said my tone even and unwavering.
“Anything.” she replied with no hesitation.
“You do not tell Kai where I am, if you tell him I will be gone before you could blink. There is something very important I need to tell you when I get there but I am very serious when I say Kai cannot know where I am.”
“Fine, I will agree to this for now. After we talk we will reevaluate.”
“Fine.” I agreed.
“Where are you? I will send someone immediately.” she asked.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be there soon.” I replied and hung up. I stood in the phone booth trying to collect my thoughts especially since I had to concentrate on a place within the palace to transport myself to.

*** thanks for sticking with me i know the past couple of chapters have been a little boring and i don't know about anyone else but i'm starting to miss Kai. He should be apppearing in one of the next 2 chapters so don't give up on this story yet. Keep voting!!!!****

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