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          "In seeking happiness for others, you will find it in yourself." — Unknown

Sabrina Carpenter as Her Royal Highness Princess Frances Cynthia Charlotte Elizabeth of Wales

Sabrina Carpenter as Her Royal Highness Princess Frances Cynthia Charlotte Elizabeth of Wales

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Born: Princess Frances of Wales

             22nd April 1986

"I am my mother's daughter and just like her I shall be brave and most importantly kind"

It was early in the morning when Diana Princess of Wales gave birth to her only daughter

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It was early in the morning when Diana Princess of Wales gave birth to her only daughter. It was a surprise to many who knew of the trouble facing the Prince and Princess of Wales. Many had hopes that the arrival of a new member of the family would mend the relationship. 

The princess couldn't contain her happiness and joy as she held her little bundle of joy who had little tuffs of blonde hair. Diana waited patiently in the hospital for her husband and two sons to arrive to see the baby.

Charles didn't know how to feel. He felt happy and excited to finally get a daughter that he had always wanted but sad that it wasn't with the women he loved. There were a lot of paparazzi outside the hospital making it had for the princes to enter.

The little princes William and Harry were buzzing with excitement at the prospective news of getting a new sibling and dragged their father.

"Mummy" both William and Harry shouted in excitement as they saw their mother and ran towards her.

"Careful darlings this is your baby sister" Diana removed the blanket covering the baby's face to reveal a sleeping and content baby girl

"Mummy what is her name" William asked curiously to his mother. Diana looked from William to the baby and replied with

"Frances after my mother" Diana looked at Charles but he was too busy looking at his little girl. Little girl he wished she would forever for it would surely break his heart to see her grow up.

"I like that it's a good name"

"Your Royal Highness the Princess of Wales has given birth to a daughter this morning" a steward told the Queen as she took a sip of her tea while looking towards the telly. Like all the Queen hoped that this child would save the marriage of her parents and was the Queen's hope.

"We are Your majesty naming Frances after my mother Cynthia after my grandmother Charlotte as the feminine version of my brother Charles' name and Elizabeth after you" Diana explained as the Queen held the little girl who was 8 weeks old.

The Queen smiled and looked from Diana to the baby. "There has never been a Frances before and I think this is a nice fit for the Princess" The Queen said no more and returned Frances to Diana. She had sad smile hoping everything from this moment forward would be alright 

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