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3rd August 1999

Frances came walking out of the car with stitches on her forehead and a broken arm. She was scared to say the least to know what happened to Harry after the incident. She took her father's hand with her left as she had a cast on her right hand and they both made the journey into the house. 

The house was eerily quiet like it was a haunted house from a horror movie.  William came to greet Frances with a hug and 2 kisses on her cheek something the siblings would always do whenever one would return from somewhere.

"Where is Harry," Frances looked around in earnest in order to find her favourite older brother. 

"Harry has gone Fran Fran... he went to stay with Granny and grandpa after the incident" Frances couldn't help but be upset with this. Sure Harry had caused her accident, she still loved him anyway.

"For how long" Frances asked back. "For maybe a month but a bit before we go to school" William replied. Frances knew that this could not keep going with Harry lashing out at his siblings while still bottling up his feeling about their mother's death 2 years ago.

"How's the arm" William asked awkwardly. William and Frances sat together on his bed with Frances holding a book in her left. She sighed and put the book down.

"It hurts like hell" William chuckled, "Don't let papa hear you say that, Franny"

"So, what do you plan to do after school" Frances asked trying to break the awkward silence.

"I might go to University. I am not sure where yet." William replied.

"How was your luncheon with Camilia." Frances looked down at arm for that was the reason Harry pushed her down the stairs. 

"I quite enjoyed it in fact.. you know I miss having someone who is a girl to talk to" Frances smiled at the fun memories she had formed with Camila.

"Will.." Frances hesitated before continuing "I don't think that Camila is that bad, she makes papa happy"

"You're right Franny and we don't choose who we love it just comes to us.

"Dearest Harry, I forgive you for what you did and I want you to know that you will always be my favourite brother, Lots of love and Kisses  ♥️from Franny" Frances folded up the letter with some difficulty and made her way to Alfred.

"Alfred could you kindly deliver this letter to Prince Harry and personally tell him that it is from his sister"Frances handed him the letter. "Of Course, Your Royal Highness" Alfred left and Frances went back to her room, wondering how Harry was faring with their grandparents.

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