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"Is this a good idea, Georgie," Frances asked her as they were trekking up a mountain to the spot.

"Yes I do Franny and so does Angie and Daph. We as your best friends can't allow you to be a lonely grandma. You need to go out and live a little," Georgina quickly grabbed Frances just as she was about to protest.

As they made their destination, Frances couldn't help but be in awe at the cafe. It was small and quite nice.

"Franny please try and have a good time," Georgina pleaded before leaving Frances with a peck on the cheek.

"I'll try," Frances whispered softly to herself and then turned to the cafe and entered. Frances quickly took out her phone and tried to look for the photo of the man the girls had set up for her.

She walked up to a man with short curly brown hair and bright blue eyes.

"Hi I'm Frances, are you by any chance Richard Madden," Frances really hoped he was the guy so she wouldn't be looking like a fool.

Frances sat opposite  Richard with a hot chocolate deluxe and a chocolate muffin and they were having a blast as they spoke about everything and anything to his acting career to family.

"So how long have you been an actor" Frances asked as she took a quick sip of her hot chocolate.

"It has been 14 years, Princess" Richard replied.

"Please don't call me Princess, Franny or Fran is just fine" Richard insisted in paying for their luncheon and later went for a walk around the area. 

Frances had never felt such peace and wished that the time she had with Richard could last longer.

THE ROYAL PRINCESS | THE BRITSH ROYAL FAMILYWhere stories live. Discover now