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L I Z Z I E05 | the boss

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05 | the boss

As soon as Mr. Pierce retires to his own office, I exhale a much-needed breath. Leaning against the desk, I hold a hand to my heart, feeling its fast rhythmic beats.

I would have been late, just as Mr. Pierce had predicted. However, my best friend was kind enough to have reached home on time and she ended up crashing a vase near the door in a drunken state. I had jumped up and my sight fell on the clock. Muttering a string of curses, I had managed to get ready as soon as possible before rushing here.

I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if I was late. Forget Mr. Pierce; he would have skinned me alive.

I move my body behind the desk and take a seat on the revolving chair while shaking. I lean back in the chair and take a deep breath, shutting my eyes for a while.

My life has changed drastically in a few days. If I have to right the wrongs of my father, I have to do this job. Even if I want to or not.

I open my eyes and take a look at my surroundings. My cabin is a small L-shaped room with the walls painted in beige and white. There is a window behind my back that lets in an ample amount of light from the outside for daytime work. The room has a sweet scent and a plant by the door.

My desk has its materials properly arranged, along with a computer which is opened at the company's logo. I stare at the screen blankly, a sudden kind of excitement getting my nerves.

This is my office. I have a job and I am about to work on an expensive computer. My years of education have finally paid off.

I turn the device on and check for the files which I need to work with. Opening Mr. Pierce's schedule after closing the other tabs, I scan it for an overview. The length of the table makes my eyes widen and I keep scrolling until I reach the end where his schedule for today is marked in but the next column is blank for me to fill up.

His job runs from morning 9 am to night 10 pm. The schedule even consists of cells timing his gym time. For a guy with a tremendously tiring business to run, it surprises me that the man manages to find time for workouts too. He doesn't skip them though; that I can conclude from one look at his body.

I make a note of the way his schedule is arranged, quickly memorizing his daily essentials and the format in which they are stored. Apparently, I have to keep a physical copy with me every day in his personal file before he enters the office, as Mr. Khan has asked me to do.

A sudden ringing sound makes me flinch. Looking around, I spot a tiny bell-shaped thing on my table which is ringing like a doorbell. It is a bright, little object which is extremely shiny and twinkles in the light. Confused by its sharp ring, I search for something which would turn it off. Finding no switch anywhere, I try to slap it shut but it keeps on ringing. Another careful look makes me see that it is not a real bell but a device installed on my desk itself.

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