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R Y A N40 | mine & yours

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40 | mine & yours

"Would you like the highlights to be pink or in a lighter shade of green?"

"Green...it's always green, Mr. Bulat," I grumble over the phone while my new assistant on the other side does his everyday work of getting on my nerves.

"The pink would be prettier...in case you're wondering, Mr. Pierce," he says. "It'd be more aesthetic."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"Aestheticism was a movement started in the—"

Before he can proceed any further, I halt him. "Do whatever the fuck you want. Don't call me for this crap again," I growl, cutting the phone before another word can leave his lips.

I massage over my eyelids with the heels of my hand, blinking at my laptop screen where a project is awaiting its approval. I have been postponing this task for two weeks now.

It was two weeks ago that I last saw Lizzie in person.

She resigned. She fucking resigned.

The morning after our break-up I found a remorseful Martha at the reception sniffling behind her handkerchief as she handed me the resignation. I, like the gentleman I am, tore it to shreds, ordering her to hire a temporary replacement which turned out to be this dickhead.

Temporary. Always temporary. Lizzie is the only permanent I need.

I am giving her the space she needs before I go pursuing her again. I keep a check on her at all times, stalking her like a creep outside her apartment. She has no clue about how many sleepless nights she has given me. The days grew so gloomy that I moved back into the mansion for a while, hoping that the constant cheeriness of my family would rub on me.

Reece has been missing. He hasn't called, hasn't texted. He has disappeared for a vacation in New York after leaving Martha with a warning that whatever happens, we aren't supposed to contact him. I understand his sentiments but without him, I have become a ticking time bomb.

Call it a twin connection but when he is away from me, I don't feel that well.

Both Lizzie and he have put me in a position where I blame myself for everything now. It was just last night when Mom commented that the chicken wasn't well-cooked, and I said sorry to her as if I were responsible for the cooking. She stared at me with a sympathetic look while Winston just blinked in surprise.

I feel so damn stupid.

"Fuck..." I exhale in frustration, shutting the laptop to give my eyes some rest.

Work has been another hectic piece. Everything is wild these days. Our company suffered another major loss and Winston suggested that I step away for a while to let Mom handle things.

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