Harry Potter arrives..to another Theatre

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Loki and the wizards appeared  into a more modern looking Theatre. Instead of the Black classical walls. The Walls were White with paintings. The Paintings included the Black Family line. The Malfoy Family and Weasley Family Photos.

" This is a Disgrace" Bellatrix points to the photo's beside each other " These shouldn't be next to each other"  Bellatrix struggles to move them. 

The Screen had gotten wider. A Black Flat screen and Loki could notice Fred and George looking  at it. 

" Nice" George touched it. 

" The Wizarding World needs this" Fred added. 

The Chairs were no longer in rows. Their was an exact number of chairs for the 17 guests. Their were oval shaped with a Dark blue pillow on them. Loki slowly watched Luna cuddling into it as the rest explored. 

" Potter!" Draco glasses his hands over a Photo " Is that your parents?" 

Harry scrambled from the Weasley painting just to see a painting of two coffins.

" Very Funny" Harry scoffed turning around. 

Loki had been hovering over a podium. It was white just to match the Theatre's walls. She had been staring at it. 

" Nice Podium" Hermione stood to Loki. The Closest she had been to her " Its really nice- I can see a bit of your face-"  

Loki backed away " Oh- well I'm suppose to change my cloak"

" Oh" Hermione chuckled " Nice hair-neon red" 

" Did somebody say red" Ginny shouted. 

" Yes, This awful looking painting" Bellatrix stared silently judging the Weasley's Photos.

" Somebody said Black, The Black Family went emo over here" Ron stares as Narcissa creeps up to him glaring. 

" Nothing" Loki panicked clutching the hood of her cloak.

" Oh, This is the Potter Family" Blaise looks at The Photo as Harry almost pushed him aside.

" My Mother" Harry gaped at the Photo. The Bronze Trio just looking at him weirdly. 

" you have a milf fetish, potter" Pansy joked.  

" No, Its my mother" Harry rolled his eyes staring at the moving photo. 

" A-are we g-g-going t-to i-ignore that t-t-the t-theatre b-blew up" Neville stuttered shaking. 

" N-n-no" Draco mocked him.

" It did indeed blew up, very careless of you, Loki" Snape sneered. 

" Oh my goodness, you think I control everything" Loki scoffed. 

" You should be more careful" Narcissa softly says leaving Ron's back finally. 

" Sorry, Mom" Loki mumbled. 

" We could have died" Lucius says. 

" Lucy, the argument is over. I wasn't going to let you die" Loki replies. 

" Are we going to take a break" Luna whispers.

" Yea, a 10 minute one" Loki nodded. " This is the break"

" V-very needed" Neville nodded taking a seat next to Luna. 

" These seats have names" McGonagall looked at a seat in the front row. 

" I thought I'd mix it up" Loki chuckled. 

" How do you decorate these places" Dumbledore admired her work. He was smiling at a Younger Painting of himself. 

" My Mind" Loki replied " Our subconsciousness is very strong" 

" So, you just Imagined" Ron spoke up. 


" So you Imagined a Photo of Tom Riddle" Ginny snarled as Loki tensed. 

" I-I did?" Loki asks. 

" Yup, right here" Ginny glared at the Painting. Bellatrix ran over and zoomed to the Painting staring at awe.

" I'll move away from it" Ginny back away. Fred and George led her away. 

" The Lestrange Family" Blaise pointed " Next to the Granger?" 

" A DISRESPECT" Bellatrix screams. 

" She's screaming again" Draco scoffs " But still that's disrespectful, Blasphemy"  

" A Muggle next to the purest of blood" Bellatrix stares at the photos. Just when she wanted to claw at it she was flung back.

" The Paintings and Photo's are protected by wards" Loki smiles. 

" That's good nobody can ruin the Marauder's Photos" Harry smiled at the Photo feeling emotional. 

" Not even this photo" Pansy blushes at the Malfoy Family with Bellatrix at the side. 

" Yea..." Harry looked away " and to think people ship us" Harry shakes his head in disbelief. 

Loki clapped and a food cart appeared with the most amazing muggle and wizarding snacks. 

" I'll leave you for the remaining time and we'll be back to reacting" Loki smirked as she disappeared. 

" Wait, Their isn't a Backroom?" Ron suddenly noticed.

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