Teen Wolf | Whatever It Takes

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"THANKS FOR 200 FOLLOWERS" Loki screamed.

"I was asking about the drug-"

"200" Loki did some flips.

"Oh.." Ginny trailed off.

"I know I've been so busy that I barely post but I am back for a little while" Loki screamed.

"Who are you talking to?" Neville turned to the back.

"That's the camera," Luna noticed.

"I didn't consent to being recorded," Draco scoffs.

"I was going to say something then I realized that could be taken out of context" Loki says.

"What are we watching?" Harry asks.

"The next scene?" Hermione wiped her eyes.

"No, more teen wolf," Loki smiled.

"I want to not be scared."

"Who's gonna tell her" Ginny spoke up.

"About what?" Lupin asks.

"I don't know," Ginny shrugged.

"That night, in this school, I felt utterly weak like I needed someone to come in and rescue me."

"So, what happened to her?" Harry asked.

"What happened to that girl?" Neville pointed.

"Looks like she was attacked" Luna frowned.

"That's so sad," Ron muttered.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she was bit" Snape hissed.

"You're not helping anyone" Sirius rolled his eyes.

"I hate that feeling."

"I hate feeling weak," Pansy agreed.

"I think most people would," Hermione says.

"Some people enjoy being weak," Blaise suggested.

"Who the hell would?" George stared at him.

"Kinky people," Blaise shrugged.

"In front of my face?" Narcissa shook her head.

"My bad," Blaise says.

"I want to feel stronger than that, I want to feel powerful."

"Oh, this is supposed to be some speech" Ginny realized.

"It did set a good message," Fred shrugs.

"Well, no one wants to be weak," Draco says.

"You're no longer high?" Ginny questions him.

"I was never in the first place" Draco says.

"Personality switch up," George concluded.

"No, personality disorder," Fred whispered.

"Falling too fast to prepare for this"

"Tripping in the world could be dangerous"

"There are more of them," Dumbledore realizes.

"I thought that was obvious in the other videos," McGonagall shook her head.

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