Destroying the Shield Scene

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" Get excited" Loki encouraged them.

" I never am," Harry says bluntly.

" Well, you don't have to get excited but she does," Loki points at Bellatrix.

" Why?" She said dryly.

" You know what" Loki huffs " I don't appreciate your energy" She clicks play.

* Voldemort screams and attempts to break the shield*

" What the-" Harry gasps.

" Why does he scream like that?" Sirius seems disgusted.

" THE DARK LORD" Bellatrix jumps " THAT'S ME".

" We recognize you" Snape hisses.

" And where are you?" Bellatrix glares at him.

" Somewhere" Snape shrugs.

* McGonagall looks up to see the shield is breaking*

" I feel bad for her," Dumbledore whispers.

" I'm right, next to you" McGonagall hissed.

" I know"

" So, he's going to get in," Fred says.

" You didn't think he would?" Narcissa laughs a little " He can do a lot".

" He's the greatest wizard," Bellatrix cackles.

* Ginny looks up*

" Oh it's me" Ginny smiles " I've seen this before".

" The scene before this was an extended scene just so you know" Loki says " and there might be a repeat of clips".

* Remus and Tonks reach out for one another*

" This is it," Lupin sighs.

" I've been the 'it'" Sirius chokes.

" What..." Harry looks at him.

" When he says 'this is it', he's saying that's the end but like I've already been dead" Sirius tries to explain.

" You're bad at explaining things" Draco looks up at him.

" and you're bad at minding your own business" Sirius hisses.

* Voldemort struggles with the wand*

" Why did he wince?" Ron asks.

" He's growing weak" Luna says " They've been destroying Horcruxes".

" Well, yes. We have" Ron mumbles.

* The wand seems to be splitting*

" Is it breaking?" Pansy watches.

" It can't be" Hermione says " This is getting confusing".

" I am confused," Blaise whispers.

" Aren't we all" George adds.

" I'm not," Lucius says.

" How?" Fred scoffs.

* Voldemort breathes heavily*

" That's a lot of energy to use" Ginny says " Why don't you die".

" Now, this is when it's acceptable to wish death" Lupin says.

" I wish everyone death" Lucius says " I hope everyone in the room dies".

" Even me?" Bellatrix gasps.

" Not you"

" Or me?" Draco says.

" Obviously not".

" So choose your words carefully next time" Narcissa instructs him.

* Harry gets up and starts to rush the halls*

" Did he see him?" Luna asks.

" I'm assuming that I did," Harry responds.

" I don't think it's a good idea for you to allow Voldemort in your mind," Dumbledore says.

" He won't listen," Snape says.

" Especially to you," Harry groans.

* The shield starts to break down*

" Oh, it's officially broken," Neville says.

" Yup" Loki nods.

" That was quick," Ron murmurs.

" It held them off for a bit," McGonagall says.

" Didn't hold us off at all" Bellatrix licks her lips.

* The Snatchers stare at it*

" They're so confused" Neville laughs.

" Don't laugh" Pansy snarls.

" You should laugh" Luna says " She's just depressed".

" I'm not-"

" You are"

" You can't tell me what I am"

" I can tell you from what I observe that you have a bunch of nargles that are biting you down and making you sick".

" That was gruesome," Ginny gasps.

" There she goes with her bullshit and crap that isn't real" Draco almost screams.

* Clip ends*

" Looked like he wanted to say something," George says.

" Yeah, but he's also ugly so he's got something ugly to say" Ginny scoffs. 

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