King's Cross Station

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"Ignore that" Loki goes up to her podium.

"The creepy colored eye people?" Ginny scoffs.

"No way," Ron whispers.

"Let's get to a scene from Deathly Hallows Part 2" Loki says casually.

"Aka our 7th year for most of us" Harry reiterates.

"Yeah" Loki says blandly.

*Harry wakes up*

"Oh, is he.." Hermione's voice starts to break.

"In the spirit world?" Draco whispers "I'd imagine he would be in hell."

"Delusional" Ginny scoffs.

"Delirious" George says.

"Double D's" Draco snickers.

"You're so hilarious" Fred hits Draco's chest.

"That hurt" Draco groaned.

*He walks around*

"Where are his glasses?" Pansy notices.

"He's probably blind right now," Ron mutters.

"I wish they gave us a point of view of how he can't see," Luna sighs.

"So, you can make fun of me?" Harry huffed.

"To make it more realistic," Hermione sighed.

*He sees a scrunched up Voldemort*

"OH" Ginny screams.

"What the bloody.." Ron's eyes widened.

"I'm disgusted" Harry fakes a gag.

"Why is he like that?' Lucius gasps.

"I wonder why" Snape shrugs.

"For many reasons," Dumbledore says.

"He looks like a hot Cheeto," Fred snorts.

"Wait-" George laughs really hard "He does."

"You will not make me giggle" Draco has a stern face.

Most of the Theatre had already joined him by giggling.

"You can't help him"

"Wait, that lowkey sounds like-"

"Harry, you wonderful boy"

"Dumbledore" Harry sighed

"This should feel like relief" Ginny assumes.

"I would not feel relieved" Hermione sniffs "This basically confirms that he's dead."

"Oh" Ginny realized.

"No.." Ron shakes his head.

"Sad" Harry says.

"You don't sound sad" Sirius smirks at him.

"Oh well" Harry tries to hide a little chuckle.

"You brave, brave man"

"A true Gryffindor" Lupin smiles at him "The symbol of Gryffindor."

"Then I am the symbol of Slytherin," Draco says.

"Um.." Pansy chimed in.

"You're a girl" Draco seethes.

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