Sick Thoughts • Tom Riddle+fem!Harry

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requested by: Hourglassnovel_2020


" I do not ship whatever those things were" Ginny took her statement back.

" I am in complete shock, how is this even logical?!?!" Harry wants to scream.

" Female Harry is popular," Loki points out.

" Well, I despise it" Harry yells " I am clearly a guy".

" We know that," Draco says.

" So you've seen his balls?" George smirks at him.

" What the hell is wrong with you all?" Harry grabs his hair.

" I'm actually gonna go and die in a corner," Draco mutters.

" That would save the whole universe," Ginny laughed.

" The fandom is maddening," Harry scoffed.

" Once there was a young man, like you".

" NO" Harry screamed " TOMARRY"

" Fem!Harry," Ginny laughed.

"Oh goodness" Hermione shook her head.

" I didn't know people actually shipped that," Dumbledore says concerned.

" I am concerned now," McGonagall says.

" Sat in this very hall"

"Sick thoughts because it is indeed sickening" Hermione spat with anger.

" His name, Tom Riddle"

" Oh my God" Pansy gasped " What a surprise".

" The Dark Lord" Bellatrix spat.

" I have decided to not give any power to him," Dumbledore nodded.

* He walks around Hogwarts and finds Harry*

" That's supposed to be me?" Harry stared " Yeah, you're all done".

" Are you canceling your own fandom?" Ginny gasps.

" Yes, I am," Harry nodded.

" I can speak to snakes too"

" Yeah, they're alike by a lot" Sirius nods.

" Doesn't mean they deserve to be shipped" Lupin sighs " This is just delusional".

" I can make bad things happen to people who annoy me"

" The audacity to show actual ugly Voldemort" Harry yelled.

" How dare you" Lucius stared at him.

" I dare did. I fucking did" Harry swore.

" Woah, watch your language now" Dumbledore tried to calm him.

" He has the right to be angry" Sirius defended him.

" I understand his anger," Hermione smiled at him.

" I can make them hurt"

" The green aesthetic is pretty," Luna smiled.

" It's nice" Neville blushed, he still felt weird around her now because of that scene.

" You are not a bad person"

" It's me," Sirius smiled. " But why am I in this?"

" Cause you are," Ginny smirked.

" The supportive godfather," Ron smirked.

" NO" he shouted.

" Were Psychos forever"

" I can't mentally take this," Harry screamed.

" Would you like to go somewhere?" Loki asked.

" Y-"

Harry was gone like a blip.

" He'll be back don't worry" Loki shrugs " Let's hope he doesn't take the knives".

" Voldemort lives inside of her".

" She's actually pretty," Blaise says.

" Why are you surprised?" Hermione turned to him.

" I noticed a few things and now I'm the wrong one" Blaise laughs.

" She never said that," Narcissa groaned.

" Sick Thoughts"

" What is this some mission?" Draco asks.

" It looks like an early 20th century hunt down" George mentions.

" Look at me"

" Reminds me of those cringe-" Loki looks down.

" Cringe what?" Fred asks.

" Tik Toks" Loki sighs " Oh lord-"

" You got em too"

" Barty Crouch Junior" Lucius recognizes.

" Just a body without a soul" Bellatrix shakes her head.

" Lord Voldemort has returned"

" We know" Ron nods " It's been obvious".

" Thomas?"

" It's just Tom," Fred corrects.

"Who actually goes by the name Thomas though?" Sirius thought "I've only heard Tom".

"Honestly" Ginny agreed.

"That is not my name"

"Reminds me of when I first saw him when he wanted the dada position" Dumbledore laughs.

" Cursed ever since," Lucius chuckled.

" You think I was going to keep my filthy father's name"

" The attractive one," Loki whispers.

" I heard that" Luna whispers " You're not wrong".

" Glad we can agree," Loki smirks.

" Voldemort is my past, present and Future"

" He's everywhere," Bellatrix laughed.

" Not for so long," Fred sighed.

" Can't wait to see the results of this battle," George laughed.

" Avada Kedavra"

" The contrasts are so weird" Pansy mutters.

" It's the aesthetic" Luna describes.

" Thomas"

" That isn't his name, Female Harry" Ron shouts.

" It would be just Harry," Neville explains.

" Still sounds weird" Ron shutters.

" That is not my name"

" You learn somehow" Bellatrix seethes " I hate this".

" I hate when a minor is paired with a grandparent," Dumbledore says.

" You are a monster".

" That was-" Draco shuddered at the word.

* Clip ends*

"He's back" Loki points to Harry.

" I'm glad, I missed that whole shit show" Harry sighs.

" Wasn't too bad but I don't know why I was in that" Sirius says.

" He is a monster," Dumbledore says.

"He is a leader," Bellatrix adds.

" Bella" Narcissa sighs. 

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