Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

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requested by: Mezz015


" Now, this isn't all the most interesting or related to what your watching but your going to have to watch" Loki says.

" Ok".

* Words on the screen*

" What is this?" Harry asks.

" It's some sort of muggle video game," Sirius explains.

" I wonder what the storyline is," Hermione comments.

* One starts to walk towards each other*

" Do you know what this is?" Pansy asks.

" Not at all" Loki answers honestly.

" Then why are you showing-"

" It's obvious, Granger" Pansy smirks " The fans".

" What fans?" Lupin asks.

" I could ask the same," Loki shrugs.

" You know what I'm talking" Pansy says.

" No, I don't" Loki insists.

" Don't gaslight me".

" I'm not".

* They walk towards the weapons*

" I'm assuming they're going to fight" Neville says.

" You can assume all you want but nobody is going to know a thing" Ron says.

" It's going to be violent," Luna whispers.

* Their surrounded*

" So, are they all on the same side?" Hermione realizes.

" I think they're surrounded by other people or weapons but I can't really tell" Harry squints.

" Birth by sleep"

" Birth by sleep?" Draco repeats " What does this mean?"

" Birth by sleep, it's as simple as that" Ginny explains.

" That wasn't as much of an explanation as I wanted" Draco sighs.

* A man walks and splits into two*

" What the hell is going on?" Harry is confused.

" I want an answer," Ginny says.

* A Guy tries to jump but the other guy raises the ground*

" I want to learn how to do that," Draco says in a raspy tone.

" I'll teach you" Bellatrix volunteers " It's easy".

" I think Hogwarts would be a better teacher," McGonagall suggested.

" Absolutely," Dumbledore says.

" But in which class?'" Lucius asks.

" Maybe Charms" Dumbledore shrugs.

" That's more than Charms" Lucius responds.

* The guy falls and thunder is struck on him*

" It's your favorite god, Thor," Pansy reminds Neville.

" Zeus is also a thunder god," Narcissa says.

" Yes, obviously" Pansy flips her hair. " I'm smart enough to know".

HP CHARACTERS REACT TO OUR WORLD P2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon