Remus and Tonks

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" What's next? More Music?" Draco asks.

"I'ma give you a lil break from the music and we will continue on" Loki answers.

" So, what are we reacting to?" Harry rolls his neck randomly.

" Deathly Hallows Part 2 an extended scene" Loki goes up to her podium.

" Finally" Lupin sighs " Something meaningful".

" Everything was meaningful, what do you mean by that?" Sirius raises his eyes at him.

" More meaningful" Lupin clears his throat.

" Tell Professor McGonagall, Remus and I will handle this side of the castle"

" Ok, Shacklebolt" McGonagall chuckles " This is feeling more real".

" Yea, it's supposed to" Dumbledore snacks on some crackers.

" I'm finally mentioned," Remus sighs.

" You were going to either way" Ginny says " You're a part of the order".

" Yes, sir"

"Professional" Fred whispers.

" Unlike you" Draco sneers.

" That's coming a lot from someone who just happens to not be a business owner" George gasps.

" Literally" Fred rolls his eyes.

" On second thoughts tell Professor McGonagall we might need one or two more wands this side"

" This is going to be an epic battle," Pansy predicts.

" A Deadly one" Blaise adds " People are gonna die".

" Lots," Hermione says.

" It is the quality of one's conviction as the determinant of success not the number of followers".

" Let me just let you know we are very convicted" Bellatrix hisses.

" We are," Snape smirks.

" He is right," Lucius nods.

" I am as well" Bellatrix glares at him.

" Oh-of course" Lucius smiles.

" Who said that?"

" It's so dark" Neville squints.

" The battle is happening at night" Luna says " That's why".

" I clearly said that...I think," Lupin sighs.

" That was a powerful quote" Sirius hits his back.

" Me"

" DEVOURED" Ginny screams and claps.

" My ears hurt" Draco covers his ears.

" Stop lying" Fred joins in with Ginny screaming.

" Your ears have heard louder screams than that" George joins in.

" Sounds like a cult" Harry describes " Not a bad one, of course".

* Tonks sees Remus and runs to her*

" Aww" Hermione sighs " That's love".

" and people ship Wolfstar" Sirius shakes his head.

" I do," Ginny giggles.

" That's not funny," Lupin says in a serious tone.

" My bad".

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