Shorts & Toks Part 10

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" ITS SEGMENT TIME!!" Loki screams. 

" What about our 30 minute break?" Ginny asks. 

" Oh-I forgot" Loki chuckles nervously " How about after this?' 

" No problem, I really don't mind" Ginny admits. 

" So what's the segment?" Ron asks. 

" How could you forgot?" Neville gasps " Its Short & Toks Part 10". 

" Someone has priorities" Pansy whispers. 

" Oh-yes" Ron nods quickly, suddenly embarrassed. 

" Mudblood" 

" Yes, putting them in their right place" Bellatrix claps. 

" This isn't gonna end well" Draco thinks. 

" You think?" Ginny clicks her tongue.

" My wig!" 

" My what?" Draco shouts. He watches as people around him begin to laugh. 

" NOOO" 

* Clip ends*

Their was more laughter across the theatre. Even the professors were laughing. It seemed only Draco didn't find the video funny. 

" It wasn't funny" Draco grunts. 

" It was" Fred attempts to yank Draco's hair " Aw, I was hoping it was a wig". 

" IT IS NOT!" 

" Many years ago, I heard about the brahmastra-" 

" The what?" Pansy looks confused. 

" Shh" Hermione tells her " We'll hear soon". 

" as its colloquially called the Philosopher's stone" 

* Clip ends* 

" The Philosopher's stone?" Harry repeats. 

" Its a cross over" George claps his hands.

 " It's just the same name for the a different object with a different meaning" Draco tries to act smart " We don't call it the Brahmastra". 

" Stop with the big grammar, you don't sound smart" Ginny tells him. 

" Rude". 

" Not going to lie you guys, I might be repeating shorts & Toks because I don't think I removed old videos from before" Loki looks through her playlist on her ipad. 

" Its fine" Luna assures her " We probably already forget". 

" Who's we?" Pansy cackles. 

* A little edit of Daniel and Emma* 

* Clip ends* 

" Finally, something not about me or my actor" Draco scoffs. 

" Don't lie, you loved the attention" Blaise smirked. 

" I didn't" Draco says. 

" Right" Blaise squints. 

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