Do You Hear the People Sing? (+ reprise)

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" So, we're going to be listening to song from a movie called Les Misérables" Loki tells them.

" Interesting, French?" Hermione asks.

" Yes, I remember my History teacher showing me the scene for the song because we were talking about the French monarchy and how terrible it was. Since you know how crazy the revolution of France is, we will be listening to the song" Loki nods at them.

"Do you hear the people sing?"

"singing a song of angry men"

" This sounds like a choir" Luna describes.

" It's very subtle for now," Neville says.

" It is the music of the people"

" Who will not be slaves, again"

" When the beating of your heart

" Echoes the beating of your drums"

" Oh this is patriotic" Ron gasps.

" Did you not listen to what Loki said?" Pansy scoffed.

" I've stopped listening to what Loki says a long while ago" Ron admits with a smirk.

" Disrespectful" Loki rolls her eyes.

" There is a life about to start"

" When tomorrow comes"

" This is revolutionary" Hermione says " It's like a protest".

" It was the fall of the French monarchy," Blaise says.

" Ok, Know it all" Hermione rolls her eyes.

" He's just repeating what Loki said '' Narcissa speaks " That takes a lot of nerve for you to call someone a know it all".

" It does," Fred agrees.

" Will you join in our crusade?"

" I just realized that their names are on top of who is leading the song" Luna points.

" and I thought you were observant" Hermione whispers " Proved me wrong, again".

" Don't bully, Looney" Pansy whimpers at her " That's rude".

" I was just speaking-"

" Rude of Ms. Lovegood" Narcissa speaks up again.

" She deserves it," Bellatrix whispers.

" Who will be strong and stand with me?"

" Me" Harry raises his hand.

" Atta boy" Sirius smiles.

"Beyond the barricade"

" Is there a world you long to see?"

" The muggle world" Neville shrugs " I haven't really been there".

" Neither have I and I don't have the intention" Draco admits.

" Traveling around makes you more educated and open minded," Lupin tells him.

" No, I'd rather stay close minded," Draco winks.

"Bigot" Ginny rolls her eyes.

" Then Join in the fight"

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