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"Damn, shits really getting crazy, huh?"

"STEVE SAYS YOU NEED to hurry!" Erica yelled at her friends as she rushed into Eddie's bedroom where her friends were searching frantically.

Nancy had yet to break free from her trance which caused immense panic to set in. The group were searching Eddie's room for music to hopefully wake up their friend.

Unfortunately, the music Eddie had wasn't what they were looking for.

"Yeah? No shit!" Dustin yelled back at the younger girl who stood in the doorway. "We're trying. We can't find anything!" Max rushed out through deep breaths.

"What is all this shit?" Robin yelled at the Munson boy who was busy searching through a pile of CDs.

"What are you even looking for?" Eddie asked as he rushed to her side, holding numerous CDs which unfortunately wouldn't help the girl due to all of them being metal songs.

"Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles? Music! We need music!" Robin yelled at the boy as she threw some useless CDs onto the bed.

"This is music!" Eddie yelled angrily at the girl as she picked up the CDs she had previously thrown.

"Oh shit, man. You got A night at the opera? I love that album!" Riley exclaimed as he stared down at the Queen CD in his hands.

"Doesn't have my favourite song in it though..." Riley trailed off as he scratched the back of his neck.

Robin quickly turned to look at the Blood boy and slapped the album out of his hands making him flinch. "Can you focus for once?!"

"What do you mean— Oh, right." Riley said as he realised why they were looking for music. The boy quickly spun around and began searching Eddie's room for any CDs which could possibly help Nancy but not before picking up the Queen CD and shoving it in his pocket.

"Let's see what we've got here..." Riley trailed off as he began flipping through the small cases of music Eddie had. "Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath, more Black Sabbath..."

"Damn, nothing here." Riley muttered quietly as he heard quick footsteps approaching the room.

"You guys are useless, she's awake!" Erica yelled at her older friends who instantly dropped whatever they were holding and sprinted out of the room to go see the girl.

The group had now moved locations to Max's small home, which thankfully only sat across from Eddie's, to discuss what Nancy had seen whilst she was in her trance.

"He showed me thing's that haven't happened yet." Nancy hoarsely spoke as her eyes didn't once move from the ground. "The most awful things."

It was clear to everyone in the room that Nancy was terrified and whatever she saw in her trance was enough to shake the girl up.

"I saw a dark cloud spreading over Hawkins. Downtown on fire. Dead soldiers. And this...giant creature with...a gaping mouth. And this creature wasn't alone. There were so many monsters. An army. And they were coming into Hawkins. Into our neighbourhoods. Our homes. And then...he showed me my mom. And Holly. Mike. And they...they were all..." Nancy couldn't finish her sentence as tears now began to fall from her eyes but it was obvious as to what the girl was going to say.

"And...I saw a boy. He was dead. There were bite marks...all over...he was holding a letter in his hands." Nancy spoke as more tears dared to leak from her eyes.

Riley noticed the subtle small glance the Wheeler girl threw his way making him inhale heavily before sighing. "Then we better make sure they don't die. Including the boy."

"Okay, but...he's just trying to scare you, Nance." Steve said causing all attention to now turn to the boy who looked up from the ground as he spoke again.

"Right? I mean...I mean, it's not real." Steve told the woman whose face was tear-stained and puffy.

"Not yet." She whispered out making Riley grab Eddie's hand and squeeze it tightly.

"But there...there was something else. He showed me gates. Four gates. Spreading across Hawkins. And these gates, they looked like the one outside of Eddie's trailer. But...they didn't stop growing. And this wasn't the Upside Down Hawkins. This was our Hawkins. Our home." Nancy finally finished making the whole group go quiet as they took in the information they had just heard.

"Damn, shits really getting crazy, huh?" Riley muttered as he broke the silence making Eddie pull himself closer to the boy.

"Four chimes." Max quietly said although the group heard it clearly. "Vecna's clock. It always chimes four times, right?" She directed the last part at Riley who furrowed his brows at the girl.

"It does? I didn't really count it because, you know, I was going to fucking die. Well, not really, I guess." Riley sighed as he thought about what Vecna had said to him the second time it happened.

"Wait, what?" Steve asked, not understanding what the boy was meaning when he said he wasn't really going to die.

"Well, I was there so he could tell me to warn you guys, which I apparently forgot to fucking do...And the first time, I wasn't meant to be there." Riley shrugged as if it were nothing making everyone gape at him.

"So, Nancy wouldn't have been in a goddamn trance if you just told us?" Steve questioned, making Riley nod his head slightly. "Probably, I mean, it makes sense."

"Oh my God." Steve groaned as he leaned back in his seat and rubbed his hands over his face.
"What exactly did he say?" Eddie questioned making Riley shrug his shoulders.

"I don't know, don't really remember. Said something about us not making it out alive and how he's gonna win or some shit like that?" Riley tried his hardest to remember what Vecna had told him, although it was hard as he wasn't really paying attention in the first place.

"And you didn't think to tell us?" Robin asked in disbelief from her spot on the floor as she pulled her legs up to her chest.

"Apparently fucking not. Hey, be grateful I didn't." Riley then said as he pointed at each of his friends.

"Be—Be grateful? So many things could have been prevented if you had just told us like Nancy not getting possessed by Vecna!" Steve exclaimed with raised brows as Dustin nodded his head towards Riley.

"I mean...he's not necessarily wrong." Dustin said, agreeing with Riley who clapped his hands at the boy before pointing at him. "Thank you."

"If I did tell you...we wouldn't be figuring out whatever it is we're figuring out right now and Nancy wouldn't have seen that helpful shit. So you better start fucking thanking me, bitch." Riley told Steve who just rolled his eyes as Nancy spoke up.

"I heard them too." Nancy said, looking at Max which caused Riley to be confused. "Heard what?"

"The clock chimes." Nancy specified making Riley nod his head slowly. "Oh."

"He's been telling us his plan this whole time." Max chuckled as she shook her head as if it were humorous.

"He's one sneaky bastard." Riley shook his head with a smile of disbelief.

alex speaks

sorry for ending the chapter at such a random point but we have officially started vol 2!!

also ITS FREDDIE MERCURY'S MF BIRTHDAY TODAY!! WOOO! MY LOVE IS 76!! so let's all wish him a happy 76th birthday pls and thank you xoxo

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