30 || THE IDEA

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"Are you fucking cray cray?"

"HE'S BEEN TELLING US his plan this whole time." Max chuckled as she shook her head as if it were humorous.

"He's one sneaky bastard." Riley shook his head with a smile of disbelief.

"Four kills." Lucas piped up as he turned his head towards Max who leaned against the wall, "Four gates. End of the world."

"If that's true..." Dustin trailed off as his eyes didn't move from anywhere but the floor below. "He's only one kill away."

"Well that's not very good, is it?" Riley asked as Eddie slowly turned his head to the ground as he whispered under his breath. "Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ."

"Try 'em again. Try 'em again." Steve looked at Max who now walked over to the telephone that hung on the wall as she picked it up and began to dial a number.

"Still don't get what Mike is gonna do if he's on fucking California with El who doesn't even have her powers." Riley murmured as he looked at Steve confusedly.

Max then placed the phone back down as she turned to face her friends once more. "Anything?" Dustin questioned her, although it was clear by the look on her face what the answer was.


"Surprise, fucking surprise." Riley shook his head as he recalled all the other times they had attempted to call and they got no response.

"Rang a few times, then went to a busy signal." Max shrugged as she told them what had happened making Steve sigh.

"Maybe you punched it wrong. Try again." Steve instructed the girl causing the Blood boy to groan at him.

"It hasn't worked a single other time. Why the fuck do you think she punched it in wrong if we get the same response every time, fuck face. You try it." Riley told the boy making Steve now turn to him.

"You do it if you think you're so right." The Harrington boy told the boy causing him to roll his eyes.

"I didn't punch it in wrong." Max defended herself with a small scoff making Steve now turn to her with a shrug. "Well, I don't know."

"I think she knows how to use a phone." Dustin told Steve who now turned his head to look at him as Max went back to the phone to try one last time.

"I'm just saying, she could've typed it in wrong."

"Highly doubt she would've typed it in wrong more than five fucking times." Riley told the boy as his features turned to disbelief at the boy's thinking.

Max slammed the phone back down before turning herself back around to face her friends with an annoyed expression. "Same shit."

"How is that possible." Lucas shook his head in disbelief as he placed his hands gently on his hips.

"Joyce has this telemarketer job. Always on the phone. Mike won't stop whining about it." Dustin stated as he looked between his friends who have all gathered around.

"Yeah, but this phone's been busy for, what, three days now?" Max asked in disbelief as Riley just shrugged his shoulders. "Joyce is a busy woman."

"That's not Joyce." Max disagreed with the boy as she shook her head. "No way. Something's wrong."

"She's right." Nancy now piped up causing all attention to turn to her once again. "It can't be just a coincidence. It can't be."

The Wheeler girl now stood up from her spot, nobody dared to remove their eyes from the girl as she walked slowly towards the window.

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐎𝐍 , eddie munson. ✓Where stories live. Discover now