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"Your time to fucking shine, Eddie."

"SHE'S IN," ROBIN SPOKE through the walkie-talkie, "move onto phase three." The Buckley woman instructed.

Eddie, Dustin and Riley were on top of Eddie's trailer, getting ready for their distraction. Eddie's amp sat alongside Riley who was quick to turn the volume all the way up at the sound of Robin's voice.

"Copy that. Initiating phase three." Dustin quickly responded as he plugged the amp in. "Let's hope they hear this."

Riley now turned his head to Eddie who was quick to put on his guitar as Riley gave him a small nod.

"Your time to fucking shine, Eddie." Riley told his boyfriend, quickly standing up to give him a harsh kiss before sitting back down.

"Chrissy, this is for you." Eddie spoke as he now turned his body away from his friends and strummed the guitar.

To say the guitar was loud was a massive understatement. At the sound of Eddie's guitar, both Dustin and Riley turned to each other, both of them holding grins on their faces.

It wasn't soon until Eddie began to play 'Master of Puppets', which also just so happened to be one of Riley's favourite songs too as well Eddie's.

The sound of 'Master of Puppets' filled the air as thunder struck loudly from above them. Riley could easily feel the vibrations coming from the guitar as it shook the ground below.

Eddie started to bang his head as he played, which caused his two other friends quickly join him.

Standing up, Riley could faintly see some figures in the air heading straight towards them which only meant one thing.

Their plan was working.

However, Riley couldn't feel a sense of worry in his bones as he turned his attention back to his boyfriend who was doing amazingly well.

"Let's go, Eddie!" Riley cheered as he watched his boyfriend in astonishment.

Despite the two being so close, Riley had never really seen Eddie play the guitar although Eddie loved playing it.

But what Riley had seen was Eddie constantly playing this song on blast which now meant he knew the song word for word and he also had Eddie to thank for it being one of his favourites.

"Master. Master." Riley mumbled under his breath as he saw Eddie do the same.

Dustin stood up with his binoculars and he looked into the distance as now the only sound they didn't just hear was Eddie, it was the bats too.

"Eddie!" Dustin screamed for the boy, making Eddie instantly look at him. "We gotta lock down in T-minus 30 seconds!"

Riley turned his attention back to the swarm of bats which were heading their way only for him to turn back to Eddie and yell, "T-minus 20! Let's fucking hear it, Eddie!"

At his boyfriend's yell, Eddie moved on to playing the solo, which was also Riley's favourite part of the song.

The bats got closer with every second that passed.

Eddie still continued the solo, however, and not once did he mess up.

"T-minus 10!" Riley then yelled at the boy who didn't even stop the incredibly hard and fast solo.



With the final yell from Dustin, the guitar solo came to an end with Eddie strumming one final time.

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐎𝐍 , eddie munson. ✓Where stories live. Discover now