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At five years of age, Harry would not say he was lucky, fortunate, or even blessed. His parents died when he was but one year old, killed in a car crash while driving drunk , at least, thats what his relatives told him , he was left in the care of his aunt and uncle, tormented day in and out by his cousin, made to work around the house, cooking and cleaning for his relatives while living in the cupboard under the stairs and barely eating anything more than scraps when they let him or stealing the odd piece of bread when he can get out of the cupboard late at night.

Another reason Harry wouldn't count himself blessed is the fact that he has spent nearly all day running from his cousin and his friends , and was now running through a condemned part of the town. Harry had hoped that Dudley would give up the moment they crossed into that part of the town. But no such luck . They were still chasing him down the street and Harry was pretty sure the street they had just entered was the one that had a record of things and people disappearing. Harry's legs were burning as were his lungs and he was sure he was about to collapse. He needed to either lose them or to just give in to his horrible fate. The second option wasn't one he wanted though . What Harry did want was to get away from the life he knows, to find someone who could take him in and give him the love that he sees Dudley getting. Though Harry knows that this is a hopeless wish as the Dursleys are the only family he knows he will ever have. Even though he knows he can't have it Harry can't help but wish for this.

Harry was coming to the end of the street. He had to choose to go either right or left. Dudley's thinner friends were close behind him and if Harry went right there was a chance that Dudley and his larger friends would slam into each other and fall on top of the thinner ones, giv ing Harry some time to get away or at least put some space between him and them. But if he headed left Harry was sure he could find some bushes and trees that would slow them down. Either way Harry would only have a short while before he would have to return home and face his aunt and uncle, who Dudley will most likely tell some made up story to get him in trouble so Harry has to spend most of the summer locked in his cupboard, and it was already the hottest summer on record.

"Please, something, take me away from this," Harry whispered between pants for breath .

Harry cried out in surprise as his foot caught on some broken asphalt and he fell forward. Shutting his eyes Harry waited for the impact of his already bruised face to the ground. What he got instead was a feeling like falling down a windy tunnel as lights flashed by before his shut eyes before it all just suddenly stopped and his body smacked against something smooth and hard. It was only because of years of conditioning to hard blows from his uncle that Harry didn't black out. He laid there for a moment, knowing getting up and running again wouldn't do him any good. But after a minute of nothing Harry took a chance and opened his eyes.

He was no long on the condemned street. Instead, he was laying on some kind of smooth stone pathway in some garden with large flowers, fruit trees, and plants he'd never seen before. And when Harry pushed himself up and looked past the plants Harry found himself looking at polished stone walls, large elegant doors, and towers surrounding the garden. Things he'd only ever seen in books while in preschool with Dudley.

"What? Oh no. I'm going to be in so much trouble." Harry breathed as he realized something ' strange ' had happened to him again. This was going to be worse than the time he'd found himself on the roof of his school or when his teacher's wig turned blue.

Harry took a few steps towards the close s t door to him and jumped when his foot hit something metallic. Looking down Harry found some kind of metal ball with some engraved markings on it that he'd never seen before. Picking it up Harry turned it over a few times in his hands. There were gaps here and there where Harry could glimpse a crystal of some sorts suspended in the middle of the ball.

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