Asgard the realm of strife

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Sif was in a mood, something that, whenever it happened, caused those who noticed to move out of her path, as it had been learned that when she was 'in a mood' like she was now, that it didn't matter who you were, you would be picked up and tossed into the nearest breakable object that could do the most damage. The reason she was in a mood is cause of the fact she had been subjected to a prank, a fowl one, in her opinion, and she KNEW who had done it, but she couldn't prove it, and no matter how much she argued, Thor would not hear of it, and Odin, apparently, had started to grow tired of her 'complaining'. Somehow, she wasn't sure how, that mongrel dog and wolf, Sirius and Remus, had gotten into her things, and caused her shampoos to be replaced with hair dye. While on the one hand her hair was no longer a raven colour, it was, instead, a nasty disgusting deep, rich, blood red in colour. She hated red hair, she couldn't exactly think of a reason, but, if anyone asked, she would always say that it just irritated her that she was one of the few in Asgard with black hair, and causing everyone to realise just how petty she was.

For now, she was off to find Fandral, and Odin forbid she should run into one of the Asgardian Wolf Guards on her way, she couldn't stand the new guard force. They smelled like wet fur, and their breath stank of rotten meat, then again, she could just, again, be being petty. She hated all the changes, the friends of Harry had apparently told Loki and Thor of a holiday that Freya and Harry had told them about called Halloween, and how it was a day to celebrate the dead, as well as make fun of monsters and hand out candy to children. Needless to say, Thor had been overjoyed at the idea and had 'petitioned', i.e. PESTERED, Odin till he accepted to make it happen on the same day it happened on Earth, the thirty first of October. Costume shops had quickly sprung up with people importing costumes from the other realms, well, minus Midgard of course. Needless to say, kids were dressing up and trying on new combinations of clothing, preparing for the event. It was to be called 'Day of the Honoured', and while there were already days of honor in Asgard's calendar, Thor was mostly using it as an excuse to give Thorina new experiences, especially since she would have a unique costume, one apparently from something called a 'Banshee', which was a magical creature on Midgard. Needless to say, she had gotten Harry and his friends to have Freya deliver a long black robe for Thor to dress up like the Midgard figure of Death was said to wear.


~With Thorina and Thor~

Thor looked at the black robe Thorina had presented him with, trying not to let his disappointment show too much. "But sister, would you not want me to be dressed as something other than this? Death is such a horrid thing after all!" He tried to reason with her.

Thorina shook her head, "No! I'm going to be a Banshee and you are going to be Death! We'll scare everyone and get all the candy!" She giggled, "I just wish Harry could join us!" She then pouted.

Thor sighed a little and knelt down to his sister's level. "Harry must stay and attend his school for the time being. However Loki has told me that Harry must only go for seven years, once he finishes his seventh year he does not have to go back if he doesn't want to and will be free to join us for this wonderful holiday," Thor comforted her.

"But that's too long!" She groaned, "Can't big brother Loki teach him everything?" she whined.

Thor shook his head, "This is not just about learning Thorina. Harry goes there also to discover more about his mother. Remember he did not grow up with her like we did. Hogwarts is one of the few places he can hope to learn more about her."

Thorina continued to pout before turning to her dress up box. "Fine!" She then smiled up at Thor. "At least you can play with me until then!" She said a tad too cheerily for Thor's liking, before going over to the box, not seeing Thor's look of panic and his eyes darted to the door as he thought about bolting for it.

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