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Months had passed since Harry had come to live with Loki in Asgard, and though he had managed to break free of a few of the habits the Dursleys had drummed into him, he still struggled with asking for things he needs, like food or to be excused to go to relieve his bladder. And as far as Loki knew no one had uttered a word against Harry. That at least was very good. Harry also kept some very strange and worn toys, when Loki had made to throw them away, it was one of the few times Harry would cry. One was a stag, another a deer, a dog, and a wolf. They were all stuffed animals, and well worn, and well loved.

There was also Harry's injuries to consider in the matter, and how deep and severe they might be. When they had gotten around to taking him to see Eir, no one could have predicted her reaction to his scans she took.


~Flash back to Harry's first Asgardian Checkup~

"Thank you Eir for agreeing to do this in private." Loki had been relieved when Eir agreed to his request without asking questions.

"I am a little curious as to why you want this kept a secret," Eir knew well enough that nothing concerning the royal family would be kept secret like this if it wasn't important.

Loki sighed. He really should've known better then to think that he could do this without explaining things to Eir. "When I met him I noticed his thin frame and pale coloring, as if he'd not be fed right and kept locked away. However since then I have grow to suspect that there is far more wrong then what appears on the surface. And as he is my student, the Allfather wishes that any discovered injuries or marks be kept quiet for now. You know how people like to gossip about me,and those I interact with..." Loki sighed, tired of over hearing the lies about him and his acquaintances, told by those who thought he couldn't hear them.

Eir nodded her head. "Very well then. Once everyone is here I will begin." It was still odd that the whole royal family would be present for this scan, however Eir figured that this boy was regarded as important to the family for one reason or another.

Harry glanced about the room, noticing how different it was for the other rooms he'd been in. Loki had called it a 'Healing chamber', making Harry wonder if maybe this was some kind of doctor's office. He'd only been in such a place once when the Dersleys were forced to take Harry to get his shots. Harry rubbed his left arm as he remembered that time, and hoped he wasn't here for more shots.

The door to the chamber opened and Thor entered followed by Frigga, this made Loki frown.
"Where is father?" He asked.

"He is just finishing with some matters that need his attention. He should be here shortly." Frigga told him before going over to Harry and giving him a small hug, having noticed his slight discomfort and nervousness.

Loki gave her a nod, he should've known that his father would be tending to last minute matters before coming to this scan. After all they did not want a guard or servant entering while the scan was happening with a message for the Allfather, or to remind him of something he had to do.

"Is everything alright Harry? You seem a little worried?" Frigga's question brought Loki's attention to Harry.

Harry looked at her for a moment before speaking. "Do I have to get a needle?" He asked in a small, slightly frightened, voice.

Everyone frowned at the question.

"Needle? What do you mean?" Frigga questioned.

"This is like a doctor's office. So there are scary needles that are suppose to make you better and punish bad children who get sick." Harry answered innocently, though also a tad frieghtened, his eyes flicking around as if looking for the needles.

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