Nundu in the garden

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Loki was confused as he walked into Gringotts after receiving and official Gringotts summons. Since the trip to get Harry's school supplies, Loki hadn't really spoken much to the Goblins, having finished all business with them well before. And yet here he is going to speak to them about something involving the vaults. Thorina had been mad that he had to leave Asgard when he did, seeing as it was Halloween and she'd wanted him to join her and Thor for some games. Thankfully Loki had been able to distract her with a new spell that left Thor baaing like a sheep for an hour. Still, as Loki drew closer to Gringotts he got a feeling in his gut that this wasn't going to be a simple matter that would be done and over within minutes.

As Loki entered Gringotts, it was to see all the Goblins who looked up eyeing Loki with suspicion. As he approached the head teller, the Goblin didn't even look up as he said, "Ragnok has been expecting you Prince Loki, a Goblin Runner will be along shortly to escort you to him, take a seat!" he said brusquely.

Loki raised a brow at that but did as he was told. Clearly something was very wrong and they had questions for him about it. Loki tried to think what this could be about but nothing really came to mind. After all, he'd been watched every time he'd gone into the Potter Vaults by the one who took him down there, so there were records of his activities down there. Maybe something happened that he wasn't aware of. That seemed more likely to be the case, but why were the Goblins looking at him with suspicion?

As a Goblin came up to Loki, he bowed curtly, "Greeting Prince Loki," he began, "My name is Griphook, I am Ragnok's son, if you would kindly follow me hopefully we can clear up any...'misunderstandings'..." he said, finishing on an uncertain tone of voice.

Loki frowned at Griphook's wording. Goblins would only call something a 'misunderstanding' if it was serious and they knew that the public would question the Goblins abilities to run Gringotts if whatever it was, was made public. Standing Loki gave Griphook a nod and followed him.

As they left the openness of the bank's foyer, for the closed in walls of the halls of the bank's leaders and more high class tellers, Griphook spoke more clearly, "After you had the Potter vaults unsealed, we noticed some...inconsistencies between our records, and what is in the vaults, father wishes to question you further, all future business will be hinged on your cooperation Prince Loki," Griphook said seriously.

"Inconsistencies?" Loki questioned. If there were inconsistencies with what is in the Potter's vault then there is reason to be concerned, for Loki is currently the only one with access to that vault until Harry comes of age. So if something is wrong with the vault all eyes go to Loki first. However Loki could think of others who might have done something to the Potter vault. Dumbledore's name sprung to mind, alongside Fudge. The two had the Potter vault sealed, but that didn't mean they couldn't have taken from it before or even after it was sealed. Putting aside his thoughts Loki gave Griphook a nod. "I shall answer whatever questions asked of me and do my best to help uncover the truth behind this matter." Whatever this 'inconsistency' is Loki was not happy about it. Someone had found yet another way to wrong his family, and they would pay for it.

Griphook stopped outside of Ragnok's office and knocked, when he got the all clear to open the door, he stopped as he said, "I really hope you haven't dishonoured us Prince Loki, it would be a shame to lose out on one of our most valued friends," he said honestly before opening the door and allowing Loki inside.

"Whoever has dishonoured the Goblins it was not I. Though I know it will take more than just my word to clear my name," Loki commented as he entered Ragnok's office. "I would like to know however just how bad this matter is?"

Ragnok scowled, "I see my son has been talking to you," he said seriously, "Truth be told, it is quite dire, as many of the Potter family's more important artifacts have 'vanished' quite thoroughly," he replied.

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