Personal history problems for teacher

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As Harry entered the History of Magic classroom, he noticed it could be summed up in one word, 'drab'. Clearly, like the teacher, this class was, in another word, dead.

Runa and Godiva were both bored very quickly, as were Jarl and Ari. Harry, however, was curious about the teacher, and his supposed fixation on Goblin Wars and Goblin Rebellions. After all, as a member of Loki's family, Harry had a great fondness for the Goblins of Midgard, and was friends with a great many of them, even their king, Ragnok, who resided, in secret, at Gringrotts Britain as the manager of the bank, he said he used a cover cause he got a kick out of it when wizards realised with just WHOM they were dealing with when they crossed him and the other Goblins, Ragnok called it his own personal prank on British wizards.

As Binns drifted into the classroom through a wall, everyone took their seats, taking out their history books, and getting ready for class. However, Binns looked like he was bored out of his skull as he suddenly began with the Goblin Rebellion of 1752 led by Urg the Unclean. However, Harry clearly and quickly noted a lie told by wizards when Binns stated the Goblins were at fault for the rebellion starting. Harry knew it was a lie because he had studied Goblin History with the help of Ragnok. Thus, he knew that the rebellions that Urg the Unclean had participated in were for Goblin rights, which immediately rose red flags for Harry.

Harry knew, that Urg's reasoning's for choosing to become a Goblin leader in the rebellions, was because he had been dunked in a pond by a group of pure blooded wizards who had been arrogant and thought they could do it simply because they were human. Needless to say, what wasn't recorded in the history books written by wizards but was by the Goblins, was that the wizards had been caught during one of the Rebellion raids for resources, and had been summarily tortured with Goblin Justice, after all, what was not recorded by humans about Urg, was that he was one of the Goblin's greatest warriors who had a vindictive edge to him.

As Binns began to droned on about another of Urg's 'vicious attacks', Harry finally had enough and snapped, "Professor Binns, you are spouting hatred and lies that were recorded by human wizards," he said, his words causing everyone in the class to either gasp, wake up in the case of those who had fallen asleep, or to look on in shock, surprize or both. "Urg was a righteous Goblin, who fought back against arrogant, oppressing purebloods!" Harry shouted in conclusion.

Binns, for once in his after life, reacted with emotion, he narrowed his eyes, and said something that for once wasn't about Goblin rebellions, or Goblin raids from centuries long past. "One hundred points from Hufflepuff for questioning a teacher about their material they spent their life learning!" he commanded, shocking everyone present.

Jarl's eyes narrowed at Binns, the fact that Binns took so many points from Harry for one thing suggested to him that Binns may truly be pulling a Sif on everyone in his class. It made Jarl itch to strike Binns, but taking a swing at the teacher would be pointless for two reasons, one he's a ghost and thus it would just go right through him, and two it would give Binns reason to speak out against the four Asgardian friends of Harry's being in his class.

Runa wondered if there was a rune she could use against Binns, something to make death more uncomfortable for a long time after she uses it on him.

Ari made a mental note of Binns outburst, planning to make sure that Prince Loki would know everything that Binns said in regards to Harry, arguing with him, as well as the lies Binns was spouting to everyone he teaches.

Godiva wondered if she could get in touch with Lady Hela. Having her drop by, even if just to see Harry it would most likely make Binns shit himself, technically speaking, since, at best, Binns would shit out ghostly turds if he could, though that would require some help from Prince Loki that is. But Godiva was sure that Lady Hela and Prince Loki would be happy to do that.

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