Problems in Asgard are a family matter

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Loki was pacing back and forth in his chambers very concerned, all the while Freya watched him with a sad smile, everyone in Asgard had changed over recent years, more so then in centuries, but when it came to Thor, they all reverted back. It was as if even though Thor had matured, no one else but him, Freya, Frigga (who Odin was arguing with more frequently of late), and Harry, and of course Harry's friends, could see that Thor just wasn't ready for the throne yet, he wasn't mature enough for it yet.

As a result, Loki had been making plans, thinking of ways to show everyone that Thor wasn't ready for the throne, at least not yet anyway, he was close to being ready, but not all the way.

Loki had been looking for ways to ensure that everyone saw what he saw, that Thor need more maturity then he had right now. While it was true that since he stopped listening to Sif he had matured quite a bit more then he had in the last two centuries, however, that did not make him ready to face sitting on the throne, and dealing with petty lords and ladies who wanted something from him or their father.

Granted, Loki loved his brother, just as any brother would, or should, but, as much as he loved his brother, he would be the first to admit, Thor was an idiot, granted, he was powerful, he was gifted, but, he was still very stupid.

"Freya something must be done, you know as well as I do what will undoubtedly happen if Thor takes the throne now! I am running out of time to get the people of Asgard to see that while Thor has improved in the last few years, he is not near ready for throne and the duties of a king!" Loki sighed as he sat with Freya, "I cannot ask Harry and his friends to aid me, for you know what will happen should they be caught," he finished sadly.

Freya nodded, if Harry and his friends were caught interfering with the ceremony, they would be punished like other citizens of Asgard, along with Harry, as Odin would not risk revealing that Harry was his great grandson just yet, he wouldn't, even if it upset his family, he wouldn't, being the stubborn old goat he was, he knew Asgard wasn't ready for such knowledge, and so did Freya and Loki. As much as Asgard accepted Harry and his friends right now, even with all the approval they had won, there was a dark, seedy part of Asgard that resented them and the changes they had brought about, and would only be too happy to tear Harry apart should Odin give them even a chance to do so, and worse still, Sif would be leading the charge as she had been the loudest of that lot.

"I can't ask Harry, Thorina is out of the question, mother has done all she can. I have no one else I can ask for help other then you. will you help me Freya?" Loki asked, his tone pleading.

Freya sighed, "If, and this is a big IF, if I did help, and Odin discovered it, you know that this would mean serious punishment, maybe even war with my realm," she pointed out, wanting to make it clear that, if she did help, it would have serious repercussions. "Loki, I really do want to help, but with my brother as the ruler of my realm, and me being it's proverbial, though not literal, queen, I cannot risk this, no matter how right it would be to make sure Thor doesn't sit on that throne for at LEAST another century," she said sadly.

Loki sighed and leaned back in his seat, she was right; the risk to her realm was far too great to risk it. This wasn't some kind of prank at a ball; this was an important event both for Asgard and its royal family. To interfere with that could provoke more than just the disapproval of Odin if one was caught. "Then, I'm on my own with this," He sighed and closed his eyes. His possible options were growing fewer and fewer by the hour. At this rate, Loki will be forced to pick one option and just go with it, no matter how poorly thought out it might be.

Freya smiled sadly, "Loki, as your friend, I encourage you to stop this ceremony, but as your teacher, I must warn you, to do so could see serious punishments from your father," she pointed out, "However, if there is one thing that could ruin this ceremony, its frost giants, all of Asgard hates them, with Harry, being only part frost giant, being the exception," she finished.

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