Coronation and banishment

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Harry sighed in relief as he stood in the shower of the washroom attached to his and his friend's room. He had just finished being interro-er, Minerva McGonagall, and her deputy headmaster, Filius Flitwick, as to why he had gone after the stone. Needless to say, they had made it clear that they were not happy with the reason, but were happy that he was alright and that Harry and his friends had stopped Quirrell from getting the stone for Voldemort.

Speaking of the stone, it turned out the be the 'fabled' Philosopher's stone, Harry was sure it was something Odin would want in his 'treasure cave', at least, that's what Harry called the Hall of Weapons that Odin had collected over the millennia. However, he also knew that Freya had one she used as a paperweight in her office back in Asgard.

As Harry finished his shower, he walked into the main dorm room he shared with his four Asgardian friends with a smile.

That smile faded when he saw Hela standing in the middle of his dorm room, smirking at seeing him in nothing but a towel. "Something wrong Hela?"

Hela looked conflicted for a bit, "Father may have caused some trouble for you my favored nephew..." she replied awkwardly.

Harry frowned at what she just said. "Oh? Did he set great grampy's beard on fire in the middle of a meeting?" Harry asked, trying to dislodge the sense of unease in the pit of his stomach, an unease that had been growing since they'd gotten back from the trials.

Hela frowned, and her lips twitched a moment, her equivalent of an awkward smile, "No, more like something that would fall under 'family secrets'," she counter replied seriously, referring to the fact there were times Loki had had to do things for the good of Asgard that would normally see a person punished for doing.

Now Harry was confused. "Family secrets? What secrets?" He asked. What was she talking about and just how did it affect him?

Hela sighed, "You know, the kind where Odin and Thor are about to make mistakes, and it's up to father to solve them," she replied.

Harry sighed. "I thought uncle Thor was improving on that." Harry then took a seat on his bed, not caring anymore about being in a towel before his aunt. "So, what was it this time?"

Hela sighed, "As you and your friends know, as much as Thor has improved since you came to Asgard, and Odin too, surprisingly, we both know Thor is far from ready to take the throne from Odin," Hela began, "As such, Freya and Loki decided to stage some...'entertainment'," she finished.

Now that sounded ominous to Harry. While his grampy had been good, even gaining support from a large number of Asgard because of how his image had improved, Harry knew that if pushed enough, his grampy would make a very poor choice. "What has he done?" He asked, dreading the answer greatly.

"Through intermediaries and contacts Lady Freya has made over the years, they allowed knowledge of a hidden path into Asgard become known to the Frost Giants. They were...'encouraged', to do so during the coronation, one that you missed due to some self-important nobles feeling it 'needed to be done' sooner," Hela replied.

Harry cursed loudly at that. Not just because his family had decided to go ahead with something as important as the coronation without him, but also that his grampy had been foolish enough to use Frost Giants to try to stop it. "Was anyone hurt?" Harry questioned. His mind was thinking of how this would be used against him as he had Frost Giant blood within him and it was known throughout Asgard. He could only imagine the nobles that must have tried to lay the blame with him for what happened.

Hela once again, sighed, but also nodded, "Yes, a few guards were killed during the 'raid', but that is not the point. Some of the Nobles tried to blame you, but Thorina was quick to come to your defence by stating you had been on Midgard for a year, and that it would be hard for you to get to Jotunheim, Sif, of course, is having a field day trying to raise those who would see you 'purged' from Asgard. As for Thor, he tried to convince Odin to go to war and 'finish' off the Jotuns, Odin refused, of course, and then Thor did something monumentally stupid and typical of him..." Hela added.

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