The trials p1

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Sirius Black INNOCENT! Dumbledore in trouble?

You read that title correct my dear readers, Sirius Black, known betrayer of the Potter family, is INNOCENT of the crime. Turns out it was really another friend of the family that betrayed them! What's more, Sirius Black went four years without a trial! If a member of one of our most esteemed families could go so long without a trial, what does that say about our Ministry, its workers, and our justice system? My dear readers, I will be following this case as it seems that Prince Loki has finally returned to the Wizarding World and was the one who sought to have Sirius Black given a trial. When Sirius Black was declared innocent, he and Prince Loki disappeared for parts unknown. Also, during Sirius trial, it came out that Dumbledore knew that Sirius was innocent, that means our esteemed Chief Warlock knew that a member of one of the oldest families in Britain knew that Sirius Black was innocent, but never came forward with word of said innocence! Never fear, my dear readers, Rita Skeeter is on the hunt, and we will be following this case closely!

For more on the life of Sirius Black, see page 7 to 8

For more on the life of Albus Dumbledore and his questionable decisions, see pages 9 through 14

For information on the Potter family, see pages 15 to 21

Loki smiled in thought as he put down the paper, this woman, Rita Skeeter, she could be of use to him, and he was sure he could entice her into working for him, after all, from what he had read later in the paper, particularly in the article about Dumbledore and his questionable decisions, she had a nose for sniffing out dirt, and one he could make great use of. Of course, he was no fool, and would use a magical contract to ensure her loyalty, can't have her running rumors about him after all...

Looking at Sirius and Harry sitting across from him, Harry was enthralled by one of the stories that Sirius was telling him about Sirius and Harry's father's adventures at Hogwarts. He put down the paper that had amused him, there was also countless letters he had from various families around Midgard that had been sent to his personal mailbox at the Ministry, one he tried to remember to empty every few weeks.


"Prince Loki, I cannot begin to tell you how much I have wanted to speak to you since learning of your return..." Rita purred with a smile. "You're all anyone can talk about these days, well you and the trial. Very well done I must say, but one could hardly expect less from someone as great as yourself."

Whatever Loki had been expecting it wasn't this woman. She had blonde hair set in elaborate curls that contrasted oddly with her heavy-jawed face. She wore jewelled spectacles studded with rhinestones, and had thick fingers ending in two-inch nails, painted crimson. Her blonde curls were curiously rigid, suggesting it was styled with the magical equivalent of hairspray. In addition, she had penciled-on eyebrows and three gold teeth, as well as large, masculine hands. Loki felt there was something familiar with her appearance, but couldn't quite work out just what it was that made her seem familiar.

"Well, when I read what you wrote regarding the trial, I just had to meet you myself," Loki gave her a pleasant smile, "After all, you seem like the sort of woman that I could work with."

That had Rita's interest, "Work with you? Now what ever could I do for you?" She asked with fake modesty, but genuine curiosity.

"I plan to 'clean house', so to speak. There are far too many undesirables with seats of powers in the Ministry's council. You, from what I have heard, know how to find what others do not wish to be found. Their secrets," Loki explained.

Rita's smile was one full of pride. "That is true. However I cannot simply ignore my job here to serve as a spy for you, I am sorry Prince Loki, but my editor wouldn't allow it." she said sadly.

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