New faces and planning

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~Earth, Puente Antiguo Outskirts~

It was bound to happen sooner or later with five pure Asgardians in the RV, and that thing was their stomachs demanding food, glorious food. Harry had also gotten a bit hungry but he still had some of the pumpkin pasties from school to eat. But since that wouldn't be enough for the five hungry Asgardians the gang found themselves pulling into a gas station/diner rest stop. Grabbing a booth at the back the group placed their orders and talked about where they should go on their road trip, looking at the map to see if there were any interesting stops along the way.

However Thor, thinking he was being sneaky did try to suggest a path that would take them by where his hammer was said to have landed, to which he was shot down...hard...and given hell about it, but awarded some points for trying to actually use his brain in such a way that was unusual for him. Sadly though, Thor couldn't help himself with some of the suggested locations to visit after Darcy took out her tablet to look up some places, and when he learned of a small war museum he tried to grab the tablet to look at it and ended up spilling the pot of coffee on the waitress that had been waiting on them and all over the table, with it spilling into peoples laps.

"Thor!" Harry shouted aggravated tone as he grabbed some napkins and began dabbing them against his now coffee soaked thighs, thankfully the pot was an old one, and thus not too hot for him.

"I am sorry Harry," Thor said as he gave everyone an apologetic look.

"All in favor of sending Thor to the counter for the remainder of the meal?" Runa sighed tiredly.

Harry, Runa, Godiva, Ari, Jarl, Darcy, and even Erik raised their hands.

"Thor go take your plate and cup and go sit at the counter," Harry ordered before turning to the waitress, "Really sorry about him."

"No worries dear, I have a moron of my own at home," she said as she shot a glare at Thor and then went to get a towel to clean the table with, as well as more napkins for the customers.

"Harry," Thor began but was cut off by a glare from said person and a pointed finger to the counter. Thor sighed, grabbed his things and moved to the counter. "It's like being a child with Loki all over again," he grumbled as he recalled the number of times that he was banished from the table by Loki when the two would eat together while their parents were busy.

Thor gave a nod to the man in the suit at the counter next to an empty seat. "May I?" Thor asked as he waved to the stool.

"By all means," The man said as he gave Thor a friendly smile. "Trouble at your table?" He questioned as Thor sat down.

"I fear in my excitement over a possible stop in our trip, I caused a mess. Therefore I have been banished for now," Thor chuckled with a guilty look.

The man shook his head with an amused smile. "Well stuff like that happens. Travelling with family?"

"My brother's grandson, his friends, and some new friends of mine actually, though I don't know where exactly we're going to go. I'm not from around here after all," Thor told the man, making sure not to mention being from somewhere other than Midgard as Harry and the others had warned him against it.

The man thought for a moment, "Oh yeah, it's summer vacation for most kids, right?" He then looked over at the table and raised a brow in surprise before shaking his head. "Looks like the adults are out matched," He joked.

Thor laughed, "You don't know the half of it my friend."

"So, which ones your great nephew?" The man in the suit asked Thor as he found it hard to believe that a man who looked as young as Thor did, could be a great uncle to one of the kids.

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